Chapter 1-I cannot believe this

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Aria Matthews:

"Hey babe" said Ryan my boyfriend. 

"Hey baby what's up?" I replied back to him. 

 When I had scanned over his face, I seen that he had a bruise by his lip, only it didn't look like a bruise it was more purple then a regular bruise would look like.

"What's that?" I asked curious as to how he got that purple mark on his face.

"Oh this...yeah one of the guys on the team thought it would be fun to punch me in the face since I called them out on one of their's no big deal"

"Ok?" I responded but it sounded more like a question.

After I had responded, Ryan and I decided to walk around the quad for lunch. And guess who we spot there? Aaron, aka then football captain, aka Ryan's 'enemy', aka Justice (my enemy's) boyfriend, aka my brother's best friend.

Now I wouldn't say me and Aaron were best friends or cool but we weren't exactly fond of each other either. We would always make snarky remarks to each other not letting the other one hear the end of it. But there was a part of each of us that cared about the other.

"Oh hey Aria!" said Justice

I just rolled my eyes and responded "Don't try and be nice to me now, just because your boyfriend is here and he is best friends with my brother"

"Oh sweetheart, it's sad that you thought I was being nice because of that-"

I cut her off before she could say something else by responding "Oh sweetheart, its sad that your dad left you with your drunkie mom"

"Aria-" said Aaron

"No" I said "she gets to be rude and disrespectful to me for no reason but when I have a reason to have a comeback its all my fault" 

Ryan tried to grab my hand to try and walk away, I could tell that he didn't want to be here like he was nervous or something but I just jerked my hand away and stayed where I was at.

"It's not that Aria, It's the fact that you take it too far, and to my girlfriend so yes I am going to side with her, it's not my fault that your dead beat boyfriend doesn't" 

My jaw basically dropped to the floor, did Aaron just say that?

Tears started to form but I know that I couldn't cry, not here, not now it will just prove them right and I couldn't do that.

"It's great to know where my brother's best friend stands" and with that I walked away pulling Ryan by the wrist with me.


"What have I told you Aria? I told you that Aaron Palmer is bad news" said Ryan as we finally settled down in the lunchroom

"Please Ryan, can you just stop with your feud for just 1 second!?" I snapped at him.

But all Ryan did was scoff and get up leaving me in the lunchroom by myself with my head down. 

After a while like around 20 minutes until the bell rang I decided to look for Ryan, It has been a long time since I had last seen him.

As I am in the hallways looking for Ryan I see someone by Justice with her locker open trying to hide her face kissing who I guess is Aaron. 

But I look down at the shoes and see the same exclusive rare Air Jordan 1 that I bought Ryan for his birthday. 

So I walked over to where the two people were kissing, and what do you know it's Ryan and My enemy...aka Justice.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" I yelled right in front of them 

Ryan spun around faster then you can say wow.

"Aria, babe- it's not what you think it is. Me and Justice weren't kissing" said Ryan pleading for forgiveness.

"Don't talk to me Either of you!"

But that only caused Ryan to take a couple of steps toward me so I took a couple of steps back.

Next thing I know Aaron is coming around the corner yelling "WHAT IS GOING-" but he got interrupted by the sight of me crying and lipstick all over Ryan's face that is obviously not mine but the person next to him.

Aaron then came rushing over to me to wipe the tears off my face cupping it. "Shh it's ok" he whispered as he grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a hug. 

It lasted a few minutes before Aaron turned back around and said "ARE YOU SERIOUS JUSTICE? You know I expect this from Ryan but definitely not from you" 

"Baby I am sorry, It was a one time thing it will never happen again" said Justice in her regular whiny voice 

Ryan just scoffed and muffled under his breath "It wasn't a one time thing all those other times 5 months ago" 

"What!?" said Aaron trying not to grab Ryan by the throat. 

"It's been going on for 5 months Ryan?" I said but it barely came out like a whisper "We've been dating for 5 months" 

"Look babe, Yes I have been cheating on you the entire time we were together, but that doesn't mean I never liked you" Ryan said as he reached for my arm but Aaron just smacked it away. 

"Don't touch her" said Aaron

"Whatever man, Me and Justice are just going to go and let you guys figure out whatever you guys are going to do without us" Ryan replied to Aaron

And with that Ryan wrapped his arm around Justice as they walked away but Justice kept looking back as if she didn't want to go.

"You didn't have to stand up for me" I said to Aaron after a couple of minutes of silence.

"You are my best friend's little sister, if I didn't he would beat me up and I couldn't take that chance, and also part of me was defending myself" 

"Yeah" I replied just as the bell rung and we went to our next classes.


Later that evening after the bell rang so we can go home so I met up with Katie (one of my best friends) outside in the parking lot by my car and told her everything on the drive to her house. 

"With Justice out of all people!?" said Katie after the end of my rambling.

"I know, but did you not hear Aaron's bipolar self??" responded

"Girl when has Aaron not been bipolar, like one second he is nice but the next...idk girl your brother needs a new best friend"

"Trust me I know" after I said that I had pulled up to Katie's house and dropped her off before returning to my house.


Hey guys! 

Sorry the ending was short but there is more to come, I was thinking long chapters so there are fewer ones so I hope you guys like these next long chapters lol <3

Love you <3


Words: 1135

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