Chapter 3-Fake dating

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Aria Matthews:

The next day after Aaron left my room, was a Saturday so I didn't have to deal with hormonal, judgmental teens for another 2 days. 

Emily called me asking if we could go to the mall together because she felt sorry for not considering my feelings with everything that is going on. I didn't want to go, but she promised that she wouldn't talk for a week.

Honestly when it's Emily willing to not talk...take it. That girl talks a lot and not only that she talks fast, faster then you can say 'I'.

Emily arrives just as Aaron was about to enter my house. He stopped me by holding my arm with a firm grip, not to hard, not too soft.

"Hey Aria" he said 

"Hey Aaron, I was just about to head out with Emily to the mall"

"I see, I just wanted to tell you that I need to talk to you sometime this week, it doesn't have to be today"

"Oh ok I guess we can talk Monday?"

"Yeah Monday works, thanks"

"No problem Aaron"

After I said that Emily beeped her horn so I can get in the car. I was a little flustered after Aaron took his hand off of my arm, I don't know why that always happens around him.


Aaron Palmer:

I needed to talk to her, I needed to tell her my idea. I know it wasn't the best one but it was at least one.

Will she say yes? or Will she say no?

Will she think I am crazy? or Will she think I am a genius? 

I don't know why but she always makes my stomach turn, but not in a bad way. I don't like her but I don't hate her. 

She is just Aria, I don't know how else to put it. I am comfortable around her, but not too comfortable.

I don't know, but I do need to talk to Aria about this plan because i am just itching for approval.


Aria Matthews:

It's Monday yay! finally school. (I am miserable I hate school) All I am looking forward to is the end of the day when the bell rings. 

But for now it is lunch time 5th period. 

Just as I sit down with Katie and Emily Aaron approaches the table.

"Hey guys can I steal Aria for a second?" he said while running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah sure take her" said Emily obviously not caring who said that. "Umm ok but if she ends up dead I am going to sue your family" Katie said, if anyone Hates Aaron it would be Katie.

After Katie said that me and Aaron locked eyes for a moment before Katie interrupted 

"If you guys are going to stay here having a staring contest I might just change my mind"

I quickly moved following wherever Aaron was leading us. I was scared, one time I followed Aaron somewhere at school he locked me in the Janitor's closet for the whole day.

He waited until he seen an empty hallway before speaking to me

"I have an idea but it is going to sound crazy"

"What is it Aaron, your already wasting my time"

"I think me and you should date"

"WHAT!" I yelled, what was he thinking?


Hey guys!

Yes I know I am a awful person for ending it this way, but next chapter she will give him an answer..... promise!

Love you<3

Words: 580

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