Chapter 8-Take that back

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Aaron Palmer:

I was happy that she was finally opening up to me. She was finally being nice, she can now see the real me. The nice, caring, and easy to talk to, me. 

I was tensing up each time she told me about something bad that had happened to her. I didn't know she went through that pain, nor wants that to happen to her ever again. I was mad at Cameron too. How can he blame her for something that obviously wasn't her fault.

And if he did leave because of her- wait no that is impossible because if someone leaves it's because they choose too. It's not like Aria went and told her father "Go and Leave" no he chose to do that himself. So even if Cam didn't know the whole story he shouldn't blame her for him leaving.

After Aria finished her story there was streams of tears running down her face, some fast...some slow.

I Just grabbed her waist and pulled her into a hug while stroking her head from the top to the bottom of her back just right above her butt. She kept sobbing into me while her Arms were wrapped around me

I liked this, I liked that she was showing me affection and I could show her some.

OMG Aaron! Stop you are going to get that funny feeling in your stomach again

After her crying started to slow down I started to pull away and I started to look at her soft plump pink lips, then my eyes traveled into her beautiful grayish blue eyes. They were so amazing and so beautiful. She always said how she hated them because it reminded her of her dad's and she would rather have green but I thought they were stunning

After I pulled away she said "Thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder....literally" and with that she did a chuckle

"Ill see you around know your not as bad of a person as I thought" 

I smiled and watched as her hips sway back and forth while she walked away. If there was one thing guys loved about her was that a** she had a big one and she had big boobs but a small waist she was curvy...I mean she had the perfect body.

After Aria walked away to the point I couldn't see her anymore I decided to pay her brother a visit.

"Hey Cam can I talk to you?"

"Yeah bro what about" he responded following me to a private area


He rolled his eyes. He knew where this was going 

"What about her" he said in a snappy tone

"She told me why her dad left and honestly bro it's messed up"

"I told you bro it's all her fault"

"Cam- I wasn't talking about should talk to her about it, you will probably understand her and her view more"

"Are you serious!? Are you on her side? She is the reason our family is doing horrible's all her fault"

I couldn't take it anymore...he was adding fuel to my fire. I was about ready to blow up. He just kept screaming reasons why this was all Aria's fault even though it wasn't.

"SHE WAS RAPED BY YOUR FATHER" I screamed I couldn't take it anymore. 

Thank god we were in a private area and the music was so loud outside no one could hear anything going on inside.

"W-wh-Whaa??" was all that got out of his mouth

"Yeah, she just told me the story. He fled before her and your mom got to call the cops...and she was just 6 years old"

His face couldn't move. He was stuck there with his mouth dropping to the equator.

But he finally managed to say "I didn't know man...I'll talk to her"

"Thanks bro- and make sure you let her explain. Don't tell her I told you" 

"Alright man later"

After he said that, he sprinted out of the house and back outside probably looking for Aria. A little while later I got a text from him:

Cam-I thought u hated Ari...y u defending her now?

I smirked...I honestly don't know why I am defending her. But I did feel bad for her, for everything she had to go through.

Aria Matthews:

He grabbed me by the waist and stared into my eyes...Why did that make me feel so weird inside??

OMG Aria Stop your Rhyming now

I knew he was staring at me while I was walking so I couldn't help but sway my hips to give him something to look at not that I really needed to sway them...they do that naturally. 

I couldn't see Cam anywhere so we can have a discussion, he was probably making out with some chick he met like 5 minutes into the party.

I went over to the sun chairs which no one was sitting in for no reason. When I got over there I understood why.

"Oh hey Aria...Can you please move you are blocking me and my boyfriend from getting some sun" Justice said while stroking Ryan's arm

"Well tell your boyfriend that I might be taking him up on his offer"

Her head snapped right over to was actually quite funny, it looked like she almost broke her neck.

"What does she mean by that Ry Ry" oh yeah...there's the whiny voice again

"uhh nothing babe...What are you talking about Aria?" he said

After he said that Justice snapped her head right back to me and Ryan behind her have me a 'Please Don't tell her' face.

"Aria? umm Ryan what happened to the name you gave me earlier? mommas? I kind of liked that one more" I said trying so hard not to laugh by the look on Justice's face

And guessed it, her head snapped right back to Ryan...seriously that girl needs her neck to get checked out.

"What does she mean by that!? said you only call me that!"

Now his face was burning a bright red. I took that as my cue to's not like she noticed anyways. I walked over to where the drinks were at and grabbed a water but someone's hand was blocking mine. 

"Oh! Cam- I've been meaning to talk to you"

"Me too Aria"

"Oh you go first Cam"

"Alright- Aaron pulled me into the house and told me that I should hear your side of the story about what happened with dad that day. He told me that it was a chilling story and I might understand you better. So go ahead I'm listening"

I don't know whether I should be happy that he is willing to listen or mad that Aaron almost told him everything that happened but I don't care right brother is finally listening to me.


Hey guys!

Omg finally! Cameron is finally shutting his big mouth up. I am glad Aria gets to explain her side..and What about Justice almost breaking her neck?? That was kinda funny

Quote of the day..."I am not great at advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"-Chandler Bing(F.R.I.E.N.D.S)

Also if you were an animal what would you be?

Love you<3

Words: 1153

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