Chapter 9

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Shuichi's POV
After the announcement, we all headed down to the auditorium, having a pit in our stomachs as to what Monokuma would say. Would he truly give a new motive out? Or just enhance the one we have? Ouma snuggling into me more took me out of my thoughts. Kaito walked alongside me a bit later, carrying the others. Ouch, it must've hurt Ouma I'd imagine if Kaito punched. As we wandered into the area we were supposed to go, Himiko walked up to me.
"Nyeh, Shuichi, why'd they call us here.. And more importantly, how's Tenko?"
"You'd have to ask Kaito for that Himiko... And I have a few theories but I'm not too sure.." She then promptly left to Kaito who just now walked in.
"PUHUHUHUHU! Finally, you're all here! I almost killed you all because you were late!" His loud obnoxious voice brought me back to reality. Ouma was really starting to get heavy in my arms, so I suppose he won't mind sleeping in a chair for a bit, I thought as I set him down.
"I am very dissatisfied in your lack of killing! Boring! So boring! So, I must fix it!" Monokuma did a little spin afterwards, in a vain attempt of humor of some sort. (What the mastermind sees in him I'll never know...) We all groaned in annoyance, but then again he could give some drastic motive like some weird video game where it's a murder mystery. What a stupid motive idea. Ouma seemed to groan in his sleep at the booming voice of the murderous bear, and Kaito growled (why he's this strange I'll never know), and Miu surprisingly stayed quiet as to possibly get this over with faster.
"Your dear headmaster decides that since none of you wished to kill, I will add one additional person to have the disease! I won't say what they will get, but it'll be fun! PUHUUHUHUHU!" And just like that, he was gone. Ah, I wonder (and pray) for whoever gets the disease. And what's with him not saying what it would be? How peculiar. That... Wasn't as special as I imagined it to be. If it was just that, why have the sick people go also? Something's just not adding up... But I can't tell what....
After settling Ouma back into the hospital bed, all the non-sick people decide to set a 'meeting' of sorts, to put ideas together of who and what it would be. I hope they don't depend on me too much.. This is leaving me stumped-
"Hey Sidekick, what do you think it'll be?" Curse Kaito for wanting to include me.
"I'm not too sure... It seemed too unimportant for him to include the sick people also for such a short announcement..." I trailed off, getting lost in my thoughts.
"Well that's just stupid! Is Monokuma just dumb or what?!" Miu said, pounding her hand on the table.
"Maybe he's got some kind of love disease or something! Some cheesy romance plot! Maybe it's for you and that Kokichi guy, you're awfully close ain't ya?!" Miu said, pointing at me.
"H-huh?! What?!" I said, my face flushing at the thought.
Not too later, we find each ourselves in our own dorms. Ah, my heads feeling all fuzzy. What's this feeling...

mb for not updating since like september i forgot about this fic (it's sort of a lie i had no plot ideas)
i hope this chapter was at least good? i try my best!
also, happy (rlly early) halloween!
side note, in the chapters where it has ex: (word), that's like a side thought!

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