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(Birds singing ) (Breathing shakily)

Adeline: No!

Karson: Let me help yo...

Adeline: No!

Landon: Please, don't lock me in here! Please!

Elena looked at the kid with pity.

Hope: Landon.

Landon: Hope. Can you get me out of here?

Hope: Not yet. But you're not a prisoner here, I swear.

Landon: I'm in a witch dungeon.

Hope: It's a werewolf transition space.

Landon: Super. I'm not so good with, you know... small spaces.

Hope: We won't keep you here long. No one expected you couldn't be compelled.

Landon: I don't know what that means.

Hope: Adeline tried to erase your memories of this place, but it didn't work.

Landon: So now what, I'm a hostage? Where's Rafael?

Hope: He's fine. You're fine, too. Look, compulsion doesn't work on people who take this herb called vervain. Sometimes the sheriff slips it into the coffee at the gas station we were at this morning. It takes about a day to pass through your system, so you just have to wait it out.

Landon: Sure. Yeah, no big deal. Yeah, I'll just sit here alone in the witch dungeon with my thoughts. Would you... I mean... could you wait it out with me?

Hope: Landon I ....

Sebastian comes barging in - Dad's on his way, mum's coming with him. He also said that he'll call aunt Bex and try to reach aunt Care.

Everyone is in shock.

Angry, Elena says - Why the hell did he just call you his aunt?

But before Caroline could comprehend what is happening or what to say Damon cuts her off saying  - Who's kid is he?

The mysterious voice replies with - Have some patience.


Lizzie: Henrik Mikaelson made a broom fly in physics last year, but Rick Rogers fell 30 feet during practice, so real-life Quidditch remains an elusive pipe dream. It's called Wickery. My parents invented it when we were ten. Their version is a little less violent than ours.

The Mikaelsons couldn't believe it.

Elijah: Does that mean that he is ali .. no, no that's not possible!

The voice: Unfortunately the Henrik you're thinking of isn't, one of you named their child after him to honour him.

Rebekah starts tearing up.

MG: Yo. Giving up dibs on the new guy so quickly?

Josie: It's not a competition. Plus, I'm still nursing a wounded soul.

MG: Hmm. Do you think he'll go for her?

Josie: Probably. They usually do, through she is just doing it to make you know who jealous.

Everyone is whispering about who they think "you know who" is.

Lizzie: Okay. I heard about what happened to your girlfriend. Oh, I have spies everywhere. I'm nosy in that, like, charming way.

This isn't going to end well. - Bonnie.

Rafael: Thanks, I guess.

Lizzie: On the plus side, we're all happy to know that you're single. Oh, God. That was my inside voice. I am so sorry. Guys like you make me nervous.

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