Chapter: 91

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Lenny bear pov

I opened my eyes to the bright sun beaming through our room windows. I rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the light. I looked down at Nika in my arms cuddled up into my bare chest. I slowly got out of bed to check on my child because surprisingly I haven't heard her. I quietly walked out our room and into Laniyahs. I watched her as she slept peacefully in her crib.

"I guess she's really tired."

I whispered to myself as I walked down stairs to make her a bottle. She was gonna wake up soon to eat and if not then I'll just wake her up to feed her. After I did that I went back upstairs to do my hygiene.

"Hi bae!"

I heard Nika say as she peeked her head into the bathroom.

"Hi baby."

"Soooooo whatcha doin today?"

She asked coming to the bathroom. I shrugged in response.

"Ion know, I have my daughter so it ain't much I can really do."

"Can we go see Mak?"

"Actually that sounds great. I gotta talk to him about something."

"Ouuu what?"

She asked as I walked up to her.

"Nothing you needa worry bout mama."

I responded as I walked past her and smacked her ass.


She moaned out in embarrassment. I chuckled in response as I walked into Laniyahs room.

"You still sleeping princess?"

I whispered as I walked up to her crib. She opened her eyes and smiled.

"Oh, so you are up. Where you fake sleeeping?"

I said in a baby voice as she reached out for me to pick her up. Which I did and laid her on her changing table to change her.

"You hungry baby girl? Daddy made your bottle already. So you don't gotta cry and give daddy a migraine this morning."

I said smiling at her as I finished changing her diaper and putting on some fresh clothes on her body.


I said as I stuck her pacifier in her mouth.

"Ok let's go down stairs."

I grabbed her and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Nika was already down there making breakfast.

"Ouuu is there enough for me?"

I asked looking over her shoulder.

"Of course baby."

Nika responded as she turned around. She glanced at Laniyah for a second and then smiled at me. I leaned down and pecked her lips once, earning a smile and eye roll back. I grabbed Nynys bottle and began to feed her.

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