Chapter: 49

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Nika pov

I woke up out my sleep hella fast. I was sweating a lot and I was shaking. Tears were running down my face still. I started taking deep breaths to try and calm myself down but it wasn't working.

"Mm, go back to sleep."

L'a mumble with his eyes still closed. Hearing his voice calmed me down a little bit but I still was freaking out.

"Aight bro, wtf is your problem?"

He said looking at me as he sat up. I literally jump on him and squeezed the shit outta him. He sucked his teeth but still hugged me back.

"I think I wanna get a house with you."

I wanna spend as much time as I can with him.

"Ohhhhkayyy but you woke me up for all that?"

I shook my head.

"No I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just I-I had a bad dream."

He started laughing like shit was funny.

"A bad dream? How old are you, 6?"

I rolled my eyes. I hate him.

"It's not funny!"

"Ok ok ok! What was yo dream about?"

Tell him it was about him dying wouldn't do shit.


"Mm, why you lying to me? I thought we post to tell each other everything?"

I nodded.

"I know but it's not important."

He pushed me off him and looked at me.

"Your crying. If it wasn't important then why you crying?"

I wiped my tears.

"I'm not."

He gave me the 'really nigga' face.

"But you just—"

"I'm not crying Leonard!"

"Aight Fine, don't tell me what yo bad dream was about."

I nodded.

"I won't."

"Sooooo likeeeeeeee. You know how I'm Yo nigga right?"

I nodded.

"Duhhh, you my husband actually."

He rolled his eyes then nodded.

"Sure whatever. You post to please yo nigga and make him happy."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Where you going with this L'a?"

"You know, it wouldn't hurt to give a nigga top!"

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