Chore Wars

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I don't own anything but Maddie Davenport and my ideas.


Maddie sat on top of the kitchen counter as she watched Leo finish up his chores as he spoke up towards his mother, "Ugh. Okay. Toilet's clean. Bathtub's clean, sink is clean. And may I just say, you people are disgusting."

The five year old giggled at that while Tasha handed her son some money, saying, "Here is your chore money."

"Sweet! I have enough money to see the new Pig Zombie movie and get a t-shirt. Pig Zombie: Cruise Ship Massacre in 3-D. Hungry hogs on the high seas."

Maddie snorted, "You're such a dork."

Leo rolled his eyes at her yet stuck his tongue out towards her to which she did the same.

"Leo, I don't want you wasting your brain, your money, or your time on that trash." Tasha began, "You are not going to see Pig Zombies. End of discussion."



"Can I-" Leo tried again.


"Glad to see we were able to talk this out!" Leo muttered as he turned from his mother.

The trio then stepped into the room and noticed Leo's cleaning outfit as Adam remarked in amusement, "Leo, I know you want to be a superhero, but that's the worst costume ever."

"I was cleaning the bathroom, so I could get some money to see my favorite movie. But someone who shall remain nameless... won't let me go." He glanced back at his mother, unamused.

"Wait a minute. You get paid money just for cleaning stuff?" Bree inquired curiously.

"Oh, yeah. Most kids have chores. You clean things around the house, and then you get an allowance from your parents." Tasha explained to the four bionic kids.

"I want chores!" Bree gasped.

"I want money!" Chase also let out.

"Oh, I want a big, furry hat so I can wear it to scare animals." Adam also shouted.

Maddie thought what she wanted for a second and then exclaimed happily, "I want a puppy!" She gazed off into the slight distance as she imagined her puppy.

"You guys can finish my chores. There's no reason for me to have money since Mrs. Bank Manager put a freeze on my fun account." Leo remarked, disappointed.

"So, where should we start?" Chase asked.

"Just look around the house and see what needs to be cleaned." Tasha pointed out before walking out of the room with Leo following behind.

"I got this." Adam started and stepped over to the couch. He used his super strength and lifts the couch above his head, revealing different trash beneath it. "Oh! That's where I left my lucky floss!" Adam chuckled and pulled a piece of old dental floss from the couch.

"If you use that, I will hurl." Chase remarked.

"And then I will clean up that hurl. Ka-ching!" Adam laughed as he set the couch back down on the floor while the four of them now ran around the house, completing various tasks and chores in a matter of minutes.

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