Commando App

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I don't own anything but Maddie Davenport and my ideas.


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Maddie sat on top of a cyberdesk around her siblings and Davenport who started talking about their school.

"Okay, guys, you've been trained for all kinds of missions," Donald began, "But you're about to enter a soul bruising, confidence crushing, apocalyptic environment: high school. Adam, Bree, your glitch test results are fairly stable-"

"Yes! I'm going to school!" Bree happily exclaimed, punching the air with her fist.

Adam also added in equal excitement, "I'm fairly stable!"

"But, Chase, I am still concerned about your Commando App," Davenport turned towards the hazel eyed boy, "Maybe you should stay home with Maddie."

Maddie folded her small arms across her chest and pouted, pixelating a tad, "I wanna go, too, baby! My Commando App is under control."

"Commando App? Put on some underpants, we're going to school!" Leo remarked, adding, "Sorry, Mads."

"No, see, in the face of an imminent threat, Chase's and Maddie's Commando Apps kicks in and he becomes a fearless brute I like to call Spike, and she becomes a dangerous yet manipulative and a very angry person called Explosivo," Donald further explained.

"It's kinda awesome," The five year old piped up.

Donald added, "It's kinda like a fight-or-flight thing, except I took out the flight part, 'cause useless, and I replaced it with a testosterone level of like a Tasmanian devil-wolverine-shark-lion hybrid that's mad."

"Don't worry, Mr. Davenport," Chase assured, "I promise that Spike won't rear his ugly head... and Maddie won't let Explosivo show up, either."

"Oh, yeah? You mean like last Christmas when I made the mistake of giving Adam boxing gloves?" Mr. Davenport remarked.

The four bionic kids and Davenport thought back on the memory, then.

Spike growled as he threw a yellow barrel across the room while Mr. Davenport and Bree were hiding behind a flipped over cyberdesk.

Explosivo teleported back in the room as she laughed and made a nearby desk explode in pieces, "Boom boom!"

The four year old smirked and teleported into the other part of the room, exploding other stuff proudly.

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