Rats on a Train

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I don't own anything but Maddie Davenport and my ideas.


"Okay, guys, the next part of your training is handling extreme climates." Donald began as the five of them stood around the desk in the lab, "So, we'll frost Chase, bake Bree, tornado Maddie, and submerge Adam. That's not part of the training-- I just got one of those carnival dunk tanks and I can't wait to try it out."

"Awesome!" Maddie beamed, "I've always wanted to see a tornado, baby!"

Adam petted his littlest sister's head as she grinned up at him.

Chase ran to his capsule and stepped inside.

"Okay, Chase, I'm setting your tube on Antarctic." Donald began, "If it gets to be too much, just give me a sign."

"Bring it." Chase grinned.

Donald pressed a button as Maddie remarked, "You heard him. Make him a popsicle."

"Hey, that's not fair." Leo suddenly spoke up, "I want to be abused by weather."

"Leo, if you really want to be abused, try standing over here next to Adam's morning breath." Bree remarked.

"I don't have morning breath-" Adam started as Maddie commented, "It smells like that all day."

"Leo, these guys are genetically engineered to handle these kind of climates. You're not." Donald spoke back up, "All right, Mads, hop in there."

"Is it safe?" Maddie inquired.

"Well, technically, it-" Davenport started but was cut off by Maddie saying, "Sweet!"

The said five year old then pixelated some and teleported inside of her own capsule.

Soon, winds blew around the small girl and her feet left the floor of her capsule.

She hit the walls of the capsule a few times and continued to spin in circles very fast, exactly like a tornado.

All you could see was just a blur of Maddie now.

"I can handle extreme cold and wind." Leo pointed out.

"Leo, you get brain freeze by mint gum," Donald also pointed out before answering his now ringing phone, "Davenport... What!? Well, that's terrible! I mean, that's awesome, but that's terrible! I-I gotta do something."

"What's going on? What's so terrible?" Adam asked.

"I created the world's fastest train, but now it's speeding out of control full of highly explosive nuclonium towards downtown Welkerville!" Donald explained.

"Then what's so awesome?" Bree inquired.

"It's going like 400 miles an hour." Donald answered as the three teenagers looked at each other impressed and amused before he added seriously, "My entire career is riding on this-- or perhaps crashing on this train. My design was flawless." He began typing on the computer.

"So flawless you forgot to include an emergency brake?" Leo remarked.

"No. I never counted on the conductor to drop his papaya smoothie all over the controls and then jumping off the train." Donald replied.

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