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It's been two weeks since I last visited him. My mind was in turmoil. I was scared and curious at the same time. I was scared to visit him. I was scared that the staff might catch me roaming around. I knew that they must have put their guard up. Also, I didn't want to face the truth. But at the same time, I was curious. I wanted to visit him and force him to reveal everything. But that would be too cruel! 

I remembered his warnings to not come and visit him. I ignored that. And now I am drowning in the depth of confusion, fear, and curiosity. Some part of my heart also wished that I shouldn't have met him. And that I should not be so curious about him. 

I cannot change the past! What has happened has happened.

"What happened, you look like an angry Chihuahua?" my mother asked with one of her eyebrows raised. 

I pouted, "I am not a Chihuahua" 

She smirked playfully and pinched my nose, "Yes, you are my little Chihuahua but the way you are pouting, you look like a pufferfish" 

"Hey........." I whined. 

She giggled but then she laughed like a little girl. 

"You are so cute" 

"Stop teasing me, Mom" I huffed. 

The rest of the time passed with her, rumbling about various stuff. I pretended to listen toher. But to be honest, I was not listening to her at all because my mind was roaming elsewhere. Sometimes I think that I should tell my mother all about it, all about the stuff that had happened. I wanted her advice. But I could not tell her. One explanation would lead to the other and this could lead to more confusion and risks. 

Darkness soon fell over the sky and the orange sun was replaced by the curtain of twinkling stars. I lay on the bed, my eyes wide open staring at the clock. 

12:50 AM

It was past midnight. I was fighting an inner battle about whether I should meet him or not. The room was engulfed in silence except for the sound of my heartbeat and my occasional sighs. No matter how much I tried to stop my mind, it still went back to the corridor, to him. I still wondered whether he thought even for a second, that was why I stopped coming to him so suddenly. 

I sighed again. I sighed a little too much in these past two weeks.

I slowly got out of my bed. I did not want any more confusion. I wanted to visit him and ask him myself. I wanted to stop all the confusion. I came out of my room and began walking towards the room. This time my pace was quicker. It was as if my mind was working on its own. In no time, I came in front of his room. My heart was beating fast. I bit my lips.Strangely, I was feeling a disturbing chill resonating in my body. I was scared.  

But still...I opened the door. I met with the familiar gray eyes. Eyes mysterious and empty. 

 "You came," he said in a calm tone. 

A part of me was welcoming his cool and collected voice. It slowed down the strange emotions I was feeling. But the other part of me was growing more scared. His calm tone was fueling the mysterious fire rising between us. Funny thing isn't it? I was feeling scared and at the same time relieved.

 How can someone feel two opposite feelings at the same time? 

But I was also wondering about his emotions. Was he happy angry or worried after seeing me?

 "Yes," I replied. 

He stared at me for some time, then shifted his gaze to the window.

 "How are you now?" 

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