Chapter Two

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New Orleans

Silence came from me, as I watched my Father conversing with my Aunt Rebekah over the phone. I leaned back in the bench I was sitting in. Lost in my thoughts. I couldn't believe this. Marcel, was Marcellus. A young boy that my family had taken in and raised. Who, we became like a brother to me. For decades, Marcel was thought to be dead. Killed the night of Mikael's attack at the opera. For years, our family mourned the loss of him. And the whole time, he was here. In New Orleans. The idea that Marcel had undoubtedly changed into someone unrecognizable, made my heart ache. What happened? Why did he become like this? So...careless.

Father paced back and forth in front of me, as he spoke to my Aunt Rebekah. Who, still resided in Mystic Falls. Using my vamp hearing, I couldn't help but listen in.

'You mean to tell me, after all these years, Marcel is alive and well?'

'Quite. Our brother seems to have wandered into a war zone. And I haven't been able to find him. Marcel, who Klaus sired and brought up beneath his own wing, now rules a menagerie of savage vampires running wild, killing in public for any human to come upon. Witches are held in subjugation. I doubt Niklaus had any idea what he was walking into.'

'Sorry, what was that? I stopped paying attention at "our brother"'


'Our hateful, traitorous bastard of a brother, who's negated any sympathy I once had for him by his repeated efforts to ensure neither you nor I know happiness outside of his own selfish universe.'

'Always and forever, Rebekah, that is what we once swore to each other.'

'Consider this me calling take-backs.'

'Well, you've called take-backs dozens of times over the centuries and yet when our father found us and chased us from this very city...'

'I may be old, Elijah, but I'm hardly senile. I know very well I stuck with Klaus, and not three years later he stuck a silver dagger in my chest and sent me into a magical slumber for ninety years. Do you know why? Because I had the audacity to try and live my life on my own without him.'

'Enough. I believe our brother's in trouble, so what ever is going on between Marcel and the witches, it's dire enough that they'd risk bringing an Original back to town. The witches have lured him here, I'd like to know why.' With that, he hung up, before turning to face me. "Sarah?"

"Yeah?" I answered.

Father walked over to me, as he placed the phone into his jacket pocket. "I do believe it's time we pay Jane-Anne's sister a visit. If anyone will know what she was planning, it would be her."

Nodding my head, I then stood up from the bench. "Yeah, of course."

"Are you going to be alright?" He asked, gently. "I can understand if this revelation may come as a shock to you."

"I can't believe he's alive." I shake my head.

"Neither can I." He told me. "I know this may be difficult for you, but it appears that Marcel is not the same person you have come to care for. It would be unwise to doubt what he is capable of."

"Yeah, of course. I know that." I huffed. "It's hard to understand what could have made him this way."

"It seems in our absence, a lot in this city has changed." He told me.

"And not for the better." I pointed out.

Father placed a hand on my back. "Come, we must find Sophia, and have a talk with her." He nodded his head. Nodding my head back to him, the both of us then head to Sophia's whereabouts.

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