Chapter Nine

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New Orleans

'I won't be too long, I promise.' Those words echoed in the back of my mind. Stuck there. The very last words that my father spoke to me before his selflessly went off to follow my Uncle Klaus into whatever chaos he would get himself into. To keep him from making our situation with Marcel and the witches from worsening. Especially, when it had come to Klaus's diabolical schemes that always involved a new set of enemies for the rest of us. He had a made a promise, a promise I knew in my heart he would never break. But that was a promise he had made...days go. Days had gone by, and not a trace of my father's presence. Not even a phone call.

Needless to say, it worried me.

I couldn't help but have this overwhelming feeling. A feeling I couldn't shake off.

I had this feeling something must have happened to him. Something awful. Because, blowing off the people he cared for?

It wasn't in his nature.

And neither was breaking a promise. He had broken his promise. Not just to me. But to Hayley as well. I just couldn't imagine he would willingly do such a thing.

And in all honesty?

I am beginning to suspect that my Uncle Klaus might have something to do with it. With his disappearance. After all, I wouldn't put it past him. He's known for going overboard all for the sake of making a point. Given our family history, I couldn't just simply brush it off as a possibility.

And the longer I sat here, the longer he stayed gone. The more my suspicions were confirmed.

Klaus had done something.

And how was I to deal with this situation? Well, if we quite simply really. I intended to subtly confront him about the matter.

Because, I knew there were two outcomes of it. He would either give in, and take responsibility for his actions. Or? He would lie straight to my face about it.

Either way, I would get the answer I so desperately sought. That was for sure.

My footsteps echoed through the corridor as I had entered the kitchen. The kitchen, where my Uncle Klaus had been sitting at the table. A glass of whiskey in one hand, and a drawing stencil in the other. As I had entered, he looked over at me. A smug expression graced his features. "Ah, if it isn't my dearest niece? Hello, Sarah."

"Uncle Klaus." I greeted.

"I gotta say, I'm surprised to actually see your face." He chuckled. "You know, given your unwavering dedication to Hayley and the baby."

I walked over to the table, and sat down. "Yes. I've been quite busy tending to her needs."

"And how is that going, hm?"

I pursed my lips. "It's going fine, I suppose. I've been helping her adjust." I told him. "After all, if she's going to be cooped up in this house then I thought she should at least feel comfortable."

"Aren't you thoughtful?" Klaus raised the glass of whiskey to his lips.

"It's the least I could do for her."

Klaus gave a smirk. "Such an act of kindness. A rarity in this family. I do commend you for it, truly." He raised his glass of whiskey in salute.

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's just part of who I am."

"A quality you no doubt inherit from Elijah." Klaus quipped. "You've always shared your father's ambition to help those less fortunate. His compassionate, and and sense of nobility as well." He nodded his head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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