Chapter Five

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New Orleans

Standing beside Hayley, my gaze flickered to Sophia and Agnes. The two had been talking for quite some time. My father, was still gone after chasing after my Uncle Klaus. I didn't know why he even bothered. Klaus had made it very clear he had no interest in Hayley or the baby. That their lives didn't matter to him. I wished I could say that his reaction had surprised me. But, I simply couldn't. Because's Klaus's lack of care and interest in his own child was just prove or how cold and heartless he was.

My Father has spent his whole life belonging in Klaus's redemption. That he could be a better person. To change his ways.

That for once he can be trusted. And choose the right path.

And, I didn't blame my Father.

My Father loved his younger brother. Dearly. So, of course he was going to hold on to that tiny bit of hope. He would do whatever it takes to help Klaus choose the right path.

But I had never seen that. Not once in a thousand years.

Klaus would never change.

Klaus would always be Klaus. A villain, and a monster. He would always be cruel and ruthless. He would always take and never give. He would always hurt, and kill anyone who stood in his way.
No matter what.

And, I hated that. I hated that I didn't have that kind of belief that my father did.

Because, it would make things easier. But, I didn't. I couldn't possibly see anything good in Klaus.

Not when there wasn't a point in it.

As I looked at the two witches, it seemed the elder didn't look pleased with Sophia's actions. Sophia has stepped forward, with her arms crossed over her chest. "Marcel and his vampires are out of control. Something had to be done."

Agnes scoffed. "And the solution is to bring in more vampires?"

Sophia shakes her head as she kept Agne's gaze. "These aren't just any vampires, Agnes. They're the Originals." She told her.

"What makes you think you can control the hybrid?"

At the sound of footsteps, my head turned. My father had returned. He leaned against the wall, looking between the two females. "She can't. I'm not entirely certain that I can, either. But now that your coven has drawn his ire, I have a question: What prevents my brother from murdering you instead of cooperating?"

Uncrossing her arms, Sophia looked to my father. She takes a needle from a nearby table.

Before then sticking it into her hand.

"Ow." At the sound of Hayley's voice I looked at her, and she looked down at her hand, which bled in the same spot as Sophia's. "What the hell?"

Father and I both looked back to Sophia. "The spell my sister performed, the one that got her killed? It didn't just confirm the pregnancy. It linked me to Hayley. So anything that happens to me, happens to her, which means her life is in my hands. Klaus may not care about his own child, but it's very clear what it already means to you. If I have to hurt Hayley – or worse – to ensure that I have your attention, I will."


Hayley was linked to Sophia? Well, that sure as hell just complicated things.

Father hummed in amusement. Then narrowing his eyes at her. "You would dare threaten an original?"

"I have nothing to lose." She replied. Her gaze then filling with a stern expression. One I knew that she meant. "You have until midnight to get Klaus to change his mind."

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