Chapter Six

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New Orleans

Foolish. That's what I would call my Uncle Klaus. If Klaus had even a sliver of Marcel's trust, then that trust was now broken. Broken, when he decided to attack one of Marcel's vampires and to leave him to die from his bite. But, maybe this was all part of Klaus's deranged plan? A plan, I'm sure involved him taking back the city that was once our home. Leaning against the wall outside one of the shops, I watched as my father once again conversed with my Aunt Rebekah over the phone.

'He's willing to give up everything.'

'Come on, Elijah, does that really surprise you?' Rebekah replied.

Father sighed. 'I already see it. He's spiralling. He's lashing out in blind rage. You know, the last time I saw him like this it lasted 200 years.'

Rebekah had then scoffed. 'Then leave him to his temper tantrum and you and Sarah come home. With any luck this misadventure will allow us a reprieve from all of his insanity.'

Father shakes his head. 'He was so close. When he heard the baby's heartbeat, I could see it in his eyes. He... he wanted... he could almost taste happiness. And now his temper has destroyed it. Even if I was to return him to sanity, he just lost Marcel's trust. So, I'm almost out of time to get the girl.'

Rebekah seemed puzzled. 'Get her? Have you lost her mind? Are we running an orphanage now?'

'Say what you will about Niklaus, but on my life I'm not letting anything happen to that baby.' He then hung up. As he placed his phone back in his pocket, my father made his way over to me. "It seems your Aunt Rebekah is determined to convince us to return to Mystic Falls."

"Can't say I blame her for trying." I then let out a sigh.

"No, I suppose not." He replied.

"So, what's your plan?" I stood up straight and approached my father. "Do you really think you can convince Marcel to hand over Jane-Anne?"

Father nodded. "Yes. I am quite positive that Marcellus will agree to my proposal."

"Okay, so now what?"

"There's a restaurant not far from here." He told me. "I reckon that's the very place we'll find Marcel." He nodded his head to me.

I nodded my head back. "Okay."


After a short walk, we found ourselves at one of the many restaurants on Bourbon Street. However, this particular restaurant happened to be where my Father had correctly guessed Marcel would be hiding. Likely, unpleased by my Uncle's stunt from earlier. Given, Marcel's vampires were hanging around we had entered the restaurant through the back door. Marcel was sitting at table, talking on the phone with one of his guy's. "You find him, and then you call me. Don't worry. I know how to deal with Klaus. "

With that, he hung up the phone. Then placing it back where he had it in his pocket.

Father stepped forward, into Marcel's line of sight. And, I stayed behind him. "Is that so? Please elaborate."

Marcel looked at Father. "Elijah Mikaelson." He then looked behind my father's shoulder and met my gaze. "Sarah." He nodded his head to me, then looked back at my father.

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