Elira Abbot

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I told him everything.

My views on religion.

My comfort movies.

My fears.

How I actually hate college.

He listened through all of my rambling fits.

I told him my turn offs.

My red flags.

My past experiences and how I haven't had sex but I've been close.

I could tell when I told him my first boyfriend ate me out but in a much more PG way his hands were in fists knuckles paler than ever as he listened silently.

If I told him anything sad or something that remotely upset me he'd always sincerely nod and say "I understand" and I don't think I've ever felt heard until now.

I told him how I have never given head but I have done a handjob just to get that out of the way and his jaw was wired shut, eyes void of anything as he nodded.

"Have you been in love with any of them?"

"Definitely not." I said and he nodded.

He watched me eat as I kept talking about my love for Halloween and haunted houses.

Then I spoke of Christmas and how that was my second favorite but not for any religious reason or anything having to do with gifts. It's just a kind and cozy time of year.

He was listening and almost memorizing me as I told him significant good memories throughout my life.

"You've lived a lot of life in your 19 years." He said.

"I suppose I have." I nodded, and he was right, I already had a lot of experience with things and I was barely an adult.

"Does my age bother you?" I asked.

He smiled.

"You know, centuries ago absolutely. But when your stuck in the body of a 29 year old while actually being 317, you lose that sense as any human doesn't reach my age regardless. So no. It doesn't."

I nodded.

"What's in my future?" I asked.


"That's it?"

"No. First is marriage. But with that you receive an utterly satisfying life of money and sex. You'll go on many dates with your husband and maybe one day become eternal along with him. But your duty as of now, is to become my wife."

"Why is that so important?" I whispered.

"I may have changed my values but I will only be intimate with my wife. No one less will ever receive my affections in that form." He said.

"Am I your first experience?"


"Kiss and everything?"



He nodded.

"You will be my first. You will be mine."

"Okay." I felt scared of that but when I fantasized, it was only his eyes I saw, his voice I heard, and his hands I felt.

If he'd kill anyone else, what's the damage in accepting my forced fate?

We got back into the car, he set his hand on my thigh and I felt small nerves prickling in my stomach.

"Now, for the good stuff that can't be publicly spoken. Turn ons?" He asked and I felt my face heat.

"Isn't it early?"

"I got the turn offs. I turned you on earlier, what's the difference?" He asked.

I thought about it.

"I'm not quite sure, as I haven't done much. Mmm I like how you grab me-"

"Grab or hold?"

"Grab. I uhm... I notice I like being..." I was thinking of how to phrase it.

"Sorry, I don't know how to say it." I felt my heart speed, the pulse echoing in my ears.

We got to a long red light as it was in intersection between a road and highway as he reached, gripping my throat and I gasped as he kissed me.

I moaned and felt winded.

"Like that?"

"Yes." I gasped.

He hummed, sitting back as if he'd done nothing at all.

"Do you think you'd like that during more intimate times? Like if let's say I decided to fuck your sweet pussy while you were bent over the counter and looking in the bathroom mirror and I got carried away gripping your hair and throat. Does that sound nice?"

"Yes." I started bouncing my leg as need and ache settled into my clit, I was throbbing.

"Mmhm. How about affection? Or when we are together in public?"

"Of course I'm a romantic so I love sweet things like hand holding or how you open doors for me. But I don't know, I notice you're possessive and I like how you're aggressive with me because I know it's coming from a good place. And it just turns me on I guess." I cleared my throat after my rambling statement.

He chuckled.

"That's good because I'm unsure I can change much."

I hummed.

"Relax, doll." He massaged my inner thigh like it was supposed to help.

"Fuck." He muttered and I panicked.


His jaw was tense, the hand on my thigh left and returned to the wheel.

"Are you alright?"

He gave a stiff nod, I looked down, he was very visibly hard and larger than I anticipated.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

His face relaxed a bit.

"It's not your fault." He murmured.

But I couldn't help but think of what he said.

Like if let's say I decided to fuck your sweet pussy while you were bent over the counter and looking in the bathroom mirror and I got carried away gripping your hair and throat. Does that sound nice?

Yes. Yes. Fuck yes it does.

I wondered if I could fathom anyone else.

If I could run. Test to see if he'd keep his promise.

I want to know if he'd truly search the world to find me.

If I meant that much.

If I did, I'd marry him as my feelings were erupting into something larger.

If not, I'd fantasize of him until I was over him.

But I hoped it to be the first.

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