Chapter 15- Dog

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I roll over with a groan as I hear my alarm going off. I am not a morning person.. and practice at 5am?! Not my cup of tea. Maybe I should skip... nah, best get going. I quickly change into my Nike pros & shirt, grab my practice bag, and head to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth, and attempt to tame my edges... sometimes they lay and sometimes they... yeah. Anyways, I finish up my hygiene things and head out the bathroom. As I flick the light off, I jump as I turn towards the sitting area. Dante is sat silently on the couch, in the dark like a creep. The only light I can see is his phone screen. He lifts his head up as he speaks "going somewhere?" Creep.

"Maybe, maybe not" I shrug. " Can you ever just answer a question?" He stands and flicks on the light. "Why are you even up?" I question. "Because I am. Now answer my question." "Well obviously-" I pause as I motion to my outfit. I have practice. Now excuse I have to go." And with that, I turn towards the door. "Zaria." "What now-"I turn back only to get smacked in the face by a pair of my sweatpants.

"Figured you might need those." Dante says with a smirk on his stupid face. "You could've handed them to me asshole. I quickly slip them on top of pros. "Where's the fun in that?" I roll my eyes and flick him off as I head out the door. I can't stand him.


As I enter the gym, I'm met with a few of my teammates are already warming up, while a group is surrounding... someone. I walk up to Ciara hoping she can help me figure out what the heck is going on. "Hey Ciara what is everyone-" "hey sis." I'm cut off by that annoying ass voice. I look past the crowd and there she is. Natasha standing infront of me. In. Fucking. Volleyball. Clothes. She's never played a day in her life! "What are you doing here?" I give her a bored expression.

"I'm practicing silly, isn't that what our teammates are doing?" She motions around the gym. I can't believe it. Using daddy's money to buy a spot on the team? Unbelievable."can I talk to you for a second?... sis." I grit out. "Sure!" I grab her arm and walk away from our teammates.

"Since when did you fucking play volleyball? Seriously?!! You don't even like sports." I throw my hands up in the air in frustration. "Well now I do." She shrugs. This girl. "Look-" "alright ladies on the line! Let's get started." I hear coach say as she blows hers whistle. "We will talk later." I shoot her a glare before heading back to the court. Unbelievable.

After practice.

To say practice was easy- would be a lie. We ran. And ran. And ran. My legs burn, I don't know how I'm gonna make it to class. I jumped in the shower at the gym and changed into some sweats and a hoodie for class. Do I care how I look right? No. No I don't. I wish I had time to swing by Starbucks but unfortunately I don't.

I continue to make my way to my first class. Once I reach the room, I mumble a quick good morning to my professor & make my way to my seat. I plop down in the chair and let my head fall naturally onto the desk . I need a nap.

"Hey girl!... you look, tired." I lift my head to see Zoe smiling and waving as always. "Hey Zoe, and I am. Practice took a lot from me today." I sigh "I bet, don't worry the first day is always the hardest. It'll get easier." "I hope so." As the professor begins the lesson, the door swings open revealing Jayden & the silent one... no asshole no Ryan? weird. Jayden waves quickly before heading to his seat. As class goes on, we take a few notes & then head on to the next.


"Still sucks we can't sit next to each other." Zoe says as we part our separate ways as we go into our 2nd class. She takes her seat next to her boyfriend, and then it hits me. I have to sit next to Carter. We haven't talked since what happened at the race. Luckily he isn't here yet. I hurry to my seat & begin getting my stuff out. I feel someone shuffle before sitting next to me, and I already know who it is. "Hey Zaria..." Carter says while scratching the back of his head.

"Hi." I answer dryly. "I'm really sorry about Luke I-" "let me stop you right there. I don't care. I'm over it ok?" I say not taking my eyes off my computer screen. "I was just- I didn't want to make my friend look bad ok? Him and Dante don't get along" he continues.

"So, him calling me a bitch was ok to you? Good to know." I can feel the irritation rising. "I'm sorry Zaria, I wasn't a good friend I know that now. Let me make it up you. Buy you lunch?" I turn to look at him for the first time "Fine, I would never turn down free food." I shrug. "Cool." He says as the professor enters the class to begin the lecture.

After class ended, I headed to the cafeteria with Carter & Queen who decided to skip her morning classes. This girl hasn't changed at all. Me & Queen make our way to a table and sit as Carter said he had to go find a friend. I begin eating my pizza. " So , fucked him yet?" Queen blurts out of nowhere. I choke mid bite. "Fucked who?!" I question while still trying to catch my breath.

"The roommate hottie duh,don't play dumb with me girl." "I'd rather die a virgin, than fuck him-" "fuck who?" A voice sounds from behind me. And by the look on Queen's face I already know who it is. I turn to see Dante standing behind me in all black. The sleeves on his shirt are rolled up showing his tattoos. "Nobody, stop listening in on my conversation like a creep." I say turning back to Queen glaring at her.

"I wasn't being a creep cariña, I was stopping to say hi to my roomate." Dante slips into the seat next to me. "Oh please, like you'd ever do that." I shoot back. "First time for everything." He says with that stupidly handsome smirk on his face. Gosh I hate him. "Hey Zaria I finally found-" Carter stops as he reaches the table and looks at Dante.

"Why is he sitting here?" "Because-" "you got a problem with that Jack?" I go to answer but I'm cut off by Dante. "My name is Carter-" "And I don't give a fuck." "It's fine Carter,he was just leaving." I say looking at Dante as he glares at Carter. His jaw is clinched to the point that it looks painful. "Dante." I say to snap him out of this glare. He then turns his gaze to me. "Go." I say he looks at me with that smirk before standing. Before he leaves, he bends down to whisper in my ear.

"Keep your little boyfriend on a leash before I put him down." And with that, he's gone. Carter sits next to me as... Luke, sits next to Queen. Oh hell no. "Why is he here?" I turn to Carter trying to keep my cool. "He wants to apologize. I promise that's all." Carter says I look at Luke who has a huge black eye. Good.

"I got a little heated after the race, I'm sorry." "It's fine. I'm gonna go... I have uh. Homework." I stand and grab my bag and begin to leave . "Wait up Z! I hear Queen yell as she follows. When she catches up, she links our arms together.

"You ok?" "I'm fine." I reassure her. "I really do have homework to do." I shrug. "You've always been a nerd. Queen says causing us both to laugh a little. "You're 100% ok?" She ask once more. "I promise Q, I'm fine. I'm just gonna head over to the library for a little.

"Ok, I'm gonna head back to my dorm, text if you need me. She says unlinking our arms and heading off towards the dorms. I continue walking toward the library. Once I reach the door, I softly push it open and scan for place to sit. I spot a table off in the corner by the window. Bingo. I get seated, and begin doing my work.

Sorry I went MIA for a little yall 💔 I got chapters coming this week I pinky promise. Thank yall for almost 700 overall reads!! That's insane, can we hit 1k before 2024?! 🫶🏽🩶

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