Chapter 50- M.I.A

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"Where's Zaria? I didn't see her at the house." Luca questions, entering the basement.

"With Queen. They're catching up. She hasn't seen her in a while." I've been on edge with Zaria being out of my sight. Things have been a bit rocky around the business. And I haven't exactly been hiding our relationship.

"That girl is the definition of crazy." Ryan chimes in. "I tried talking to her once and she just started screaming."

"That might've been because of that ugly ass face of yours." Jayden snickers.

"Oh fuck you." Ryan says as we step further into the basement. "What did these fuckers do again?"

"Sex trafficking. We caught them with 20 girls. 10 of which were under of 15." I answer, looking at the 6 men in front of me. Jayden steps up, grabbing a knife off of the table.

"Let's play a game. 1 cut for every girl you sick fuckers trafficked." He steps towards one of the men and he shrinks down. "Who's first?"

"Please! We only followed orders Dagger!" The fuck?

"What orders?"

"Your father's! He gives us all the orders!" Another man says. They all break out into chaos, begging and pleading to be spared.

"Shut up!" Luca snaps. The basement falls quiet.

"You." I approach the man Jayden is standing near, gripping his shirt. "What orders were you given?"

"If I tell you, will you spare me?" He's bold to even ask that.

"No, but perhaps I'll make your death quick. What.Were.The.Orders?" My knuckles white from how hard I was holding onto his shirt.

"He gave us a ring to run the trafficking.told us to keep it low profile so we got a few girls every few weeks and sold them. That's all I swear!"

Thats fucking all? These bastards don't see anything wrong with the shit they're doing.

Sick bastards. "Jayden, give me your burner." He retrieves the phone from his pocket, handing it to me. I release his shirt, tossing him the phone. "Call him."

"We can't." The other chimes in " he told us not to contact him after our last job."

"Shut up you idiot you'll get us killed!" The man shouts furiously.

"We're dying here either way." Smart.

"What was the last job?" Ryan questions. The men eye one another before looking back at us.

"He wanted a girl delivered to him personally. 3 of our men took care of it today." Why would my father want a girl delivered to him?

"Who was the girl?" Luca pushes and the men freeze. "What? Am I speaking another fucking language who!"

"We never got a name! Only a picture." The man reaches into his pocket and I give him a warning look. "I'm only getting the picture. Please."

He slowly pulls a piece of paper from his pocket, handing it to Luca. Luca slowly opens it, before stiffening and turning towards me.

"Dagger." Luca folds the paper, giving me a look of pure horror before handing the paper to me. I slowly unfold it and my breath is caught in my chest.

I could not believe my eyes. Those tight curls and beautiful smile I've grown to like over the past few months. It was a picture of Zaria and I on our first date.

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