Chapter 30- Pizza

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Update because the last chapter already hit 12 votes... my gosh



I wake up with a groan as I hold my head. Memories from last night slowly start to come back. He knows where I live. I stand from bed before exiting my room. As I look around, I spot Dante asleep on the couch.

I try my best to slowly make my way to the bathroom. I quickly do my business and brush my teeth. As I attempt to walk back to my room,I hear shuffling.  

I glance in the direction of the coach and Dante is now sitting up. "Zaria." He stands making his way over to me. "Dante I'm fine-" he pulls me into a tight hug placing his chin on top of my head.

I relax slightly allowing myself to sink into him. "You... scared me. Last night." He mutters. "I'm sorry Dante.. I- I- I don't know what happened." I barely whisper out. "Don't apologize cariña." He sighs before letting me go.

"I'm going to ask you something. And I need you to be honest with me." I nod as he speaks. "Who is Gio?" Who is Gio. The question repeats itself in my head and memories begin to truly flood back.

Every word, every hit. "W-what?" my voice shaky. "You were screaming last night, Ria. You were screaming for Gio to stop." He continues. I take a step back looking up at him.

"Zaria, I need to know. Please fuck it's driving me insane." He grabs my hands holding them in his. I take a deep breath before I speak. "He is my ex. We dated for 3 years before I broke up with him. He didn't handle it well. He- he hit me. Over, and over again." Dante lightly squeezes my hands.

"At first, he was great. Treated me well, everything. And then, we went to a party. He- he wanted to have sex and I wasn't ready. He tried to rape me, Dante." I feel my eyes water as I continue. " That night- he beat me. I fought back as much as I could-" a lone tear falls down my cheek as Dante wipes it away.

"I was weak Dante. It took me weeks to leave him after he hit me. It's my fault." I choke out between sobs. Dante pulls me into his chest once again. "That bastard doesn't deserve your tears. You hear me? You aren't weak. And I promise you that fucker will pay." He plants another kiss on my head.

"He's crazy Dante. I don't want you to get hurt. Please, let this go." I look at him with pleading eyes. His gaze is hard, unreadable as he remains silent. "He might be crazy, but I'm fucking insane. Trust me, I'll deal with him."

His phone suddenly rings and I unwrap my arms to give him privacy. He glances down at me before gripping my waist tighter. "Speak." He answers the phone in a tone that sent shivers down my spine. It was so... intimidating?

"You let that fucker get away?" He suddenly blurts out. "I'll be there in half an hour. Find him or you're dead." He mutter before cutting the call.

"I'm sorry Ria, I've got some shit I need to handle. Is Queen up? Maybe you can go to her dorm. I don't want you here by yourself." He walks to his room throwing on a hoodie before grabbing his keys.

"I think I'll be ok Dante, he wouldn't-"stop saying what that fucker won't do Zaria. You clearly don't fucking know what the hell he is willing to do!" Dante snaps turning his body back to me.

A sudden anger rises in me at his words. "I know that Dante!" "Then why won't you fucking listen? Just go to Queen's dorm." He doesn't get it. "And put her a risk? No. I won't drag anyone else into my shit Dante. Just go. I'll be fine." I slouch down on the couch as he stares at me before calling someone.

He mutters a few words in Spanish before hanging up. "There will be someone outside the dorm, don't leave without him. Don't let anyone in." He gives me a warning look that tells me not to disobey him. Part of me wants to slap him for ordering me around, and the other part of me feels... secure?

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