Chapter 17- fuck buddy.

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"What exactly are we here for again?" Ryan questions

"Maybe if you shut up he would tell us." Jayden responds as we enter the meeting room.

"You know what Jayden- I'm sick of you." Ryan begins. I feel my annoyance rising.

"Both of you shut the fuck up." They both glance at one another before finally being quiet.

"Thank fuck." Luca snickers from his seat. "Now, we have a deal going down this week and I don't want any fuck ups." I look at Ryan.
"And by fuck ups I mean screwing someone's wife in the goddamn bathroom."

"How was I supposed to know she had a husband?"

"Maybe by the big ass ring she had on her finger you idiot." Jayden responds.

"Moving on, this deal is worth more then half a mill, no playing around. I need this shit to go smooth so my dad can get off my ass."
My dad has been watching me like a hawk lately, all this finish college bullshit.

"Where is it going down?" Ryan questions.

"At Red Velvet. I'll have my men set up around the club. I don't trust Luke." Sneaky bastard.

"Why the hell are you even doing business with him? After the shit he pulled at the race?!" Jayden just about shouts.

"You think I wanna do a deal with this fucker? I don't have a choice." I fire back.

"Whatever man I just hope he doesn't-"
As Jayden speaks his phone rings. "What's up Z- woah woah woah slow down I can't hear you what's wrong?! Hey it's ok- I'll be there soon ok?"

There's a brief pause before Jayden is up out of his seat grabbing his coat.

"I gotta go D, Ryan I'm taking your car." And with that he's gone.

What the hell just happened... who was he- Zaria. "What's up with him." Luca questions.

"Let's end for today, I'll have Chris send you guys the rest of the information. If you're late, you're dead. Clear?" They nod, and I quickly grab my coat and head out the room.


"Found you."

I've been sitting in bed looking at this message for... what seems like forever. I can't stop reading it.

"Found you."

It can't be..

"Let go, im serious. This isn't funny." "Oh cmon baby, don't be like that." He begins to lift my skirt. "Stop." His hand goes higher. "Stop." He continues. Before his hand can get too close to my..lady parts I push him off me. "The fuck is wrong with you! Don't you ever touch me like that again." As I go to leave the room he stands to his feet and grabs a handful of my hair. "You little bitch, you shouldn't have done that."

~end of flashback

Im not that weak ass 16 year old anymore. I can't be. He didn't find me. Everything is ok.

My hands are visibly shaking at this point and I'm trying to calm myself down. "It's ok, I'm fine, it's ok I'm fine." I repeat to myself as I scroll through my contacts.

I click on Queen... no answer. Then Zoe.... No answer. I scroll to sadly the only other person I can think of... Jayden. I barely know him but he makes me

I take a deep breath before clicking on his contact. It's rings twice before he answers.

"What's up Z-"

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