Chapters 201-205

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Chapter 201: Back to the Stronghold

Keeping the power of the pills in mind, Roland didn't immediately order the First Army to chase the fleeing enemy. Instead, he sent Lightning and Maggie to monitor the situation.

Those who had been injured in the line of duty immediately received treatment. During the whole battle, only five soldiers had been injured, they had all been hit by spears and from the five injured people, four belonged to the artillery. He was pleased to see that when the enemy's wave reached its striking distance of one hundred and fifty meters, his artillery group didn't disperse in confusion, instead they only lowered their bodies and hid behind the cannons, so that they could resume the attack as soon as possible after the end of the spear shower.

From the beginning Nana had been standing behind the defense line waiting on standby, but the most remarkable part was when the enemy turned around and fled, she ignored the rumbling sound of ongoing gunfire, and ran together with the old Viscount towards the position of the artillery soldiers, making sure to rescue and give medical treatment to those victims of short spears. After seeing her actions, it was hard to believe, that only six months ago, this little girl had become dizzy at the sight of blood.

In the end, the five injured managed to survive. And under the cheers and the salutes of the watching soldiers, Nana left the battlefield.

In fact, this battle was much easier than the last time when they had to deal with the Duke's coalition. Without the drugs, the addicted militia had entered an extremely vulnerable state, some of them even ran two to three kilometers, only to throw themselves onto the ground, no longer able to move.

Soon after, Roland's pursuing troops had caught them all and began to escort them back to the Longsong Stronghold. During the chase, the First Army was also able to capture two Knights, although they did not swallow the pills, they had still lost every thought of putting up a resistance. When confronted with the continuous pursuit, they simply chose to surrender, asking for the opportunity to send a letter to their family and giving a plea for redemption.

Four days later, they reached Longsong Stronghold.

Thanks to the intelligence gathered from the surrendered Knights; Nightingale easily disintegrated all the troops left in the stronghold's castle. After killing the captain on the spot, more than 100 militiamen fled in panic, blindly running into an ambush the First Army had set up at the gate.

Later, Roland's men found the captive Petrov in the castle's dungeons. He looked haggard, probably caused by his worry and anxiety, but because of his identity as a noble of the Honeysuckle family, he hadn't suffered through inhumane treatment.

After nearly three months, the Prince saw the Acting Duke once again.

"Being able to see you safe and sound is truly good news, Your Royal Highness," Petrov's uneasiness finally relaxed, then he went through his experiences of the last days, "I did not know that Timothy's envoy... "

"They all died," Roland leaned relaxed against his chair and said indifferent "Most of the 1500 people they brought to Border Town have died, and the rest are currently locked in the stronghold's prison.

When Petrov heard about the complete annihilation of the envoys, he somehow looked a bit surprised, "Your Royal Highness, with this, I am afraid that the new King... no, your brother will see you as a thorn in the eye."

"So, do you mean I should have deliberately lost the fight, and obediently went with them to King's City, begging for his mercy?" While asking, Roland looked him directly into the eyes.

Not able to face his view, the latter involuntarily lowered his head, "No, Your Royal Highness..."

"The moment he set foot in the Western Territory, he became my enemy," the Prince declared in a calm voice.

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