Chapters 691-700

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Chapter 691: The Path into the City

Translator: TransN Editor: TransN

Her words surprised No. 76 a little.

It seemed that they were examined checked by more than one person.

However, 400 years of training had taught her how to hide emotions, not to mention that her body could be separated from her consciousness as she wished. A sudden interrogation was not enough to make her panic.

No. 76 pretended to be astonished and then reluctantly took a ring out of her robe. She hesitated for a long time before saying, "It was... stolen from Black Money."

At the same time, she gave a higher rating of the Witch Union in her heart. Originally, she had thought that they were too casual in welcoming newcomers, but it did not seem to be the case. They had sent a witch to detect the lies and another one with the ability of Clairvoyance. They could not be more cautious.

"Black Money?" The witch with green and long hair picked up the ring in her hand and looked it over for a moment. "This ... seems to be a Magic Stone, but it's a little different."

No. 76 frowned at her words in her heart. "They actually know the existence of Magic Stone? Then it's troublesome now. Although it's activated in a different way from the ordinary Magic Stone, they'll figure it out sooner or later. I have to distract them from it. After all, I don't have a second stone."

"Black money is the underground exhibition where I've ever worked... There were often auctions of things from ancient ruins. The boss often said that those things had unbelievable power and the more exotic, the more popular. In addition, they occasionally had auction... auction..."

"What?" Wendy asked.

"Auction of witches," whispered No. 76.

Hearing these words, the four witches showed unmasked anger on their faces, and their concern over the ring became a bit less. Obviously selling witches as slaves was abhorrent to them, which also illustrated indirectly that the Witch Union in Graycastle would never agree with the idea of the Starfall City.

"No. 76 didn't lie. I was almost sold to the nobles by the Black Money," Amy echoed. "Fortunately, Mr. Ambassador saved me."

"They're bound to be punished sooner or later," said the blonde witch coldly.

"That ring..." No. 76 pretended to be timid.

"Although Miss Agatha will be very interested in this thing, let's wait until you are familiar with Neverwinter," the green-haired Witch said, shrugging. She did not keep the ring; instead, she put it back on her hand.

No. 76 was slightly surprised for a moment. "Agatha? The name sounds quite familiar. It seems that I have heard of it somewhere."

"I promise you'll no longer encounter such a thing," Wendy comforted them. "No one will dare to attack you in Neverwinter. His Majesty, King Roland, believes that the era where witches and mortals live together will soon come. By that time, not only in the Western Region of Graycastle but also in the whole kingdom, no one will regard us as the Devil's minions."

"Will there be such a day?" said Broken Sword rather in disbelief.

"Of course, that is why we built the Witch Union," Wendy laughed. "Anyway, let me take you to rest."


No. 76 was slowly moved onto a stretcher and carried out of the cabin by the sailors. The moment she left the sailing ship, she finally saw the whole picture of the pier. Heavy snow flying in the air did not stop people working busily at the pier. Dozens of people lined up along the pier sweeping the snow on the ground. Farther out were the weird freighters unloading goods. Just as Amy said, without towering masts and sails, yet they were able to navigate in the river.

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