Chapters 351-360

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Chapter 351: Illusions (Part I)

Translator: Meh/TransN Editor: - -

After Mayne paid his respects, he carried the Pope back on to the cart.

"Zero," O'Brien gasped and called softly.

A Pure Witch dressed in white entered the room through a small side door, taking light footsteps which were barely audible. "I'm here."

The Archbishop frowned. He did not expect the presence of a Pure Witch in such a secret place. "Even though they were single-handedly raised by the Pope after their awakenings, and served His Holiness for life, these women are, after all, witches." Furthermore, he felt a little unhappy that this person seemed to know about the Reflection Church earlier than he did.

"Take him to the Illusion Room."

"Yes." She walked up to the sanctuary and pressed down the stone carved Canon on the table. A magical light flashed and the giant portrait started to rise upwards slowly, revealing a black metal gate. Then, Zero took the crystal pendant off the Pope's neck, inserted it into the door lock and twisted. A clicking sound was heard from inside the iron gate, and it started to open outwards.

She pulled out the crystal pendant, but instead of returning it to His Holiness O'Brien, she placed it in Mayne's hand.

The Archbishop turned his head back to look at the Pope, and the latter nodded his head. "Take it. You'll keep it from now on. You may use it to open the library of the Pivotal Secret Temple, or the secret door of the Research Office."

"Let's go." Zero smiled and took Mayne by the hand. They walked together into the room behind the giant portrait - it was probably no longer the Church in the same position above ground, and there was nothing in the room except for a floor-to-ceiling window which faced the highlands of Hermes.

The room looked very spacious and was formed in a circular structure. It was approximately half the size of the prayer hall and could accommodate rows of ten people standing side by side, such that it was difficult to associate it with the name "Secret Room". However, within this space, there was no furniture. The only place to sit down was a stone bench that extended along one of the room's curved walls.

After the metal door was closed, Mayne threw off the hand of the Pure Witch and asked, "Did His Highness allow you to enter?"

Zero dismissed his question. "If I don't come with you, who's going to activate the Stone of Illusion? It's not like you have Driving Power."

Her rude response made Mayne's heart skip a beat. "It seems that she still regards herself as His Holiness O'Brien's witch. After I receive the scepter and take control of the Church's domain, I must absolutely let her understand that she shouldn't only respect the Pope, but also the Archbishop who has heirship."

"Then let's start." He held back the emotions that triggered in his heart and sat down on the stone bench.

"Yes, Your Highness." Zero lifted open a dark panel on the wall, and pressed the Magic Stone with her hands. "But please be prepared, for this is the first time I'm activating this thing."

"The first time? Hasn't she lived for over two hundred years? Didn't she participate in the previous papal handover ceremonies?" Mayne felt a little puzzled, but before he had any time to dwell on it, a dazzling ray of light flashed by and he found himself covered in darkness.

The darkness was so complete that there was virtually no light at all, causing the walls, floor and the stone bench to disappear from sight. Mayne felt as if he was swallowed by a giant beast from the abyss and suddenly lost all concept of distance. The sky and the earth seemed to merge into one entity, and all he could see was darkness. Lowering his head, he realized that he could not even see his body.

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