Chapters 226-230

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Chapter 226 Inner City operation

"You managed to get hold of the Holy Elixir?" Black Hammer was suddenly back in full spirit.

"Holy Elixir?" Theo retracted his smile and sneered instead, "There is no need to take the Church's drug, there are others medicines that can also cure patients of the demonic plague." Saying this he removed two small bags from his waist and placed them on the table, "Putting the blame on the witches is just the usually trick used to get some benefits, after all, a dead person cannot talk back."

Puzzled Black Hammer picked up one of the bags, and placed it near his ear and shook it, only then did he untie the rope and smell what was inside, "No odour?"

"Just take them to Silver Ring and Pots, afterward you will know that this is the real medicine," Theo said. "They should be somewhere in the tavern."

"Since we discovered their infection, I made them hide in the basement, and I didn't allow them to come out. Nowadays whenever people see someone with black spots, it's quite likely that they will go out of their way to attack the sick, and because of this, the den of the skeleton fingers won't open its door to let them in." Black Hammer picked up the second bag and announced, "Sir, I'll go now and give it a try."

When he got up and left, Hill was still staring at the table, not saying a word, which made Theo secretly shake his head.

An ordinary person who lives under the constant threat of the demonic plague can never keep so calm when he hears that he can get the medicine to cure the disease. Even if you do not want to seem too excited, at least take a look at it and ask a few words. With his performance, Hill has proven that he doesn't hold the qualification to become a spy.

"Can this medicine really cure the demonic plague?" Little Finger shouted suddenly. "Sir, where did you get this from?"

Even the little girl is better at it than him, Theo thought while taking a sip of his wine, "Without a doubt, after all, it was given to me by my Lord in the Royal Palace, other than him, who else would dare to go against the Church?"

In no time, Black Hammer came back and brought Silver Ring and Pots along, "Oh, my God, this medicine is incredible! Just moments after they drank it, the black spot on their bodies had already began to disappear."

Seeing Theo, both men immediately went to their knees even though their wounds were still bleeding, and in unison they said, "Sir, Thanks a lot for your medicine, you've saved our lives!"

"First go and bandage your wounds," Theo waved at their injuries. Although the purified water was able to heal the disease, it still could not heal their wounds. Such serious injuries would have to recover like any other injury, and needed at least a week, "Rather than thanking me, you should thank my employer. If you can fulfill this current mission, it is even possible that you can get rid of your identity as street rats."

"Maj... No, I mean, does your employer really want us to sell this medicine?" Black Hammer asked excitedly. Apparently, he had already realized how much revenue they could make by selling these potions.

"That's right; the Church is currently using the medicine to deceive the people, which has made my employer furious with them. If he allows this group of so called fortune tellers who lack any scruple keep going, I'm afraid the whole King's City will have changed into a cathedral soon, rather than Wimbledon's home territory." Theo lowered his voice, "Also, he is unwilling to see such a huge city only be left with only a few citizens, therefore, this medicine absolutely cannot be sold at a price so expensive that it would lead to it becoming unaffordable for most people." He took another two leather bags from his waist and threw them on the table, "These kind of bags, will be sold for at most for ten silver royals."

RELEASE THAT WITCHजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें