Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The remains of the destroyed wagon and fake cargo were scattered on the ground.


"I... I won't let that bastard get away with this..."

Sang-gyu and Jincheol luckily survived as the scenario normally goes.

But, probably because they were still shocked from the crash, they remained in the rubble, frozen.

If they were just a bit more aware and resolved, they would have been able to escape this situation easily.

Clop Clop...

They could hear the sound of horse hooves.

"Damn it... Shit... We have to get out of here!"

"I can't move my body! Fuck!!"

They were mistaken.

They believed they were stronger than the people who had just fought. They believed they were strong because they terrified others.

"Damn it! Fuuuuuck!"

But was that really the case?

The horses were getting closer.

And before they knew it, they could hear people as well.

"Ha! Ha!"

"...Not here!"

They were terrified of the dozens of people coming after them. The two could see the dust storm that the horses were kicking up.

And in the blink of an eye, they arrived there.

All of them had tattoos on their faces that were just like Kujo's.

"Hm... Tragedy has already struck."



As the person who looked like their leader dismounted, so did the others.

The man looked around at the situation and let out a quiet voice.

"Find Kujo."



"Find him! It's Borgo's orders! We have to get Kujo's corpse at least."

The group perfectly scattered to look through the debris.



The men checked if the faces of the corpses had a tattoo or resembled Kujo. If they didn't resemble Kujo, the men separated them into a pile and in the unfortunate circumstance they were still alive, the men would finish them off.

Sang-gyu and Jincheol were trembling, praying that nothing happens to them.

"We found him!"

"Is it Kujo?"

"Yes! I'm positive!"

"I'm on my way."

Whenever Borgo walked, others followed.

Before long, he reached Kujo's corpse.


Borgo pulled Kujo's corpse up into the air with one hand.

Kujo wasn't a small person at all. Borgo was just ridiculously strong.

He used one hand to hold Kujo up and used the other to search Kujo's body.

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