Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

[Atarak is furious.]

[As she quivers her body, spiders pour into the room from all sides.]

More spiders poured down from the ceiling than the spiders that escaped previously.


- Do you... Do you have any idea how long I've had to sneak around? I've hid underground, enduring all sorts of humiliation, to grow this big.

Atarak was talking a lot about things that Seol was frankly uninterested in.

Seol, disinterested, ordered Karen, "Karen! I want you to bring that chatterbox down to the ground."

"Alright, sounds fun."


As Karen dashed toward Atarak, multiple spiders jumped in to block her path.


[You have gained experience.]

[You have defeated a Sulfur Spider.]

"Damn it..."


[You have gained experience.]

[You have defeated a Sulfur Spider.]

"There's a lot more of them than I thought?"


- The reason that I hid here... wasn't so that I would be belittled by someone like you!


Atarak tore a boulder off the ceiling and threw it at Seol.



Jamad took Seol and moved him out of the boulder's way



There were dead spiders left in the boulder's wake.


- How dare you! How dare youuuuuu!

It seemed like staying in a room that was too small for her for this long left her unable to properly control her anger.

Regardless, there was no way such an emotional attack would land on Karen and Jamad.






Spider corpses were piling up to the point that Seol couldn't even see his own feet.

Jamad, while protecting Seol, spoke to him.

"Careful, their blood is starting to pool together."

"Their blood? God damn it..."

The ground that Seol believed was flat was actually sunken, and the spiders' blood was starting to slowly pool.

Seol's concern was that if the blood continued to pool together like this, Seol could end up having no place to stand on.

'How am I going to drag down that monster?'

If it wasn't a Solo Adventure, Seol would have recruited long-range damage classes to attack Atarak directly.

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