Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

The massive flowers widened their mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth and tried to swallow Seol whole.

And just as Seol was about to be sucked in...


"Get away! Hurry!"

Jamad pulled on the flower's stem from the other side to help Seol escape from the danger.


"Run! Don't worry about me!"

[Overgrown Lifeform used Charm Pollen.]

"You think I'm just going to let you do that?!"



Jamad swung his blazing fists, burning all of the pollen around him.

Seol's face stiffened slightly.

The monster-sized plants were starting to surround Jamad.

The group was still charging toward the central control unit together. It would be incredibly dangerous for Jamad if he fell behind on his own here.

[Jamad has changed to the Earthquake Stance.]

Rumble Rumble Rumble...


Jamad grabbed the stems of the flowers with his fists and ripped them apart.

"Don't make me tell you twice! I'll be right behind you!"

"...Got it."

Jamad slowly became surrounded by the giant plants until he was no longer in sight.

Seol then turned his head away from Jamad and resolved himself. He focused solely on solving the issue at hand.

"This is the central control unit," said Arta.

"Damn it... Why the hell did he have to build this in the center of the lab? It's over for us if we get cut off! Hurry, try to connect to it!"


Step... Step...


Arta reached his arms out to the central control unit.

And as he did...


A bunch of indecipherable patterns lit up on the central control unit's face.

Not too long after, Arta started making sounds.

"A critical error has occurred. Requesting permission to dispose of the research material."

"You have to get permission?"

"Waiting for Griz's permission..."

"Skip it! They're coming!"

A vine caught one of the golems and swiftly wrapped itself around it.


Karuna used his blazing sword to cut through the vines diagonally to free the golem.




"Understood. I will attempt to force authorization as a proxy."


Arta's body glowed in a strange pattern.

"Arta-2, Director of Laboratory 81, has connected to the central control unit. Executing independent order."

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