Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

There was a knife mark on every weirdly shaped tree that Seol ran into.

And Seol believed that the person who made these marks could be Chao, the person he had been searching for.

'I'll follow the marks.'

The knife marks could eventually diverge from the wagon tracks but for now, they seemed to be traveling in the same direction.

Seol pressed on while continuously confirming the knife marks as he went.

Since Seol could detect strange presences easily, he solely focused on keeping track of the knife marks.

And then, he felt something strange.

A strange feeling that only grew the deeper he entered the forest. What was especially noticeable was an awful smell that caused him to scrunch his nose.

'Is it exhaust fumes? No, it almost smells like a corpse?'

Seol had seen countless corpses after he was transferred into this world, and he obviously remembered their smell as well. Well, it was more appropriate to say that the smell was engraved into his memory because of how awful it was.

The knife marks were slowly starting to become fewer and fewer.

This likely meant that he had either gone in the wrong direction, or... he had almost arrived at his destination.

[Insight activates.]

[A crude spell has been installed here.]

[Insight activates.]

[Eyes of Perception activates.]

[You sense the energy of a curse.]

Seol's golden eyes had detected something strange.

A thin, almost invisible wire and the waves of energy from the spell and curse installed into it.

'You can't just thoughtlessly set up a two-layered trap like this... especially one with a powerful curse like this.'

If an intruder detects even one of the two traps with Insight, whether it's the spell or curse, they will immediately be on alert.

This meant that whoever set up the trap was someone who was inexperienced in installing traps, or... someone who was weak.

The appropriate thing to do, from the perspective of the person who installed the trap, was to install them separately.

Then the intruder would either be afflicted by the curse or the installer would know about the intruder's presence through the alarm spell.

'I won't ever be caught by a shoddy trap like this as long as I have the Eyes of Perception.'

Insight might have activated first but the Eyes of Perception was also amazing at avoiding dangers.

Seol, satisfied with his golden eyes, checked the options before him.

[[A two-layered trap has been installed here. What do you do?]

1. Trigger the trap.

2. Avoid the trap.

3. [Required: Disarm Trap] Remove the trap.

4. [Required: Black Magician] Remove the curse.


Seol didn't take the Disarm Trap talent and he also wasn't a Black Magician. And since triggering the trap would lead to him getting discovered, avoiding it was the only option.

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