𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"What's so funny about the good dinosaur? It's a great film,"tsukishima preached

hinata continued to laugh as he sat legs crossed on Tsukishimas bed. They were supposed to be studying as it was a thursday after school, yet they both got extremely easily distracted around one another

"It's a good movie. it's just not as good as peter Pan,but will any movie ever be as good as peter Pan? no, i dont think ," hinata said

"im making you sleep on the floor tonight,"tsukishima joked

they arent quiet sure how they ended up agreeing on a sleepover but they came home from school got distracted for 3 hours though it was only supposed to be one,which led to tsukishima refusing to let hinata leave as it was now extremely dark outside and it wasnt a problem to have hinata stay over as tsukishimas mom was once again out of town and akiteru was at collage so it was more convenient

"Okay, but when i wake up on the floor with a sore back and am unable to play volleyball, i will be pointing fingers directly at you,"hinata teased

"You have a comeback for everything, dont you?"

"well i try to"hinata smiled before breaking eye contact with tsukishima who was sitting at his desk,he looked down in his lap only to see his school uniform and remember another thing "kei i need clothes"

tsukishima got up and walked to his closet in an attempt to find something that would somewhat fit hinata "here" he said while throwing a white t shirt with a star on it and a pair of black shorts in hinatas direction "you can shower if you want its just down the hall and theres a cupboard with towels in the bathroom

hinata thanked tsukishima before heading to the shower down the hall

He liked tsukishima's house. It was bigger than his own. The kitchen was huge and has an island. It's connected to the living room technically because there's no door separating the two. Another thing hinata liked is the fact that theirs two staircases one by the front door and the other in the kitchen, which was convenient in some way or another. Tsukishimas' bedroom is big, too big enough for a double bed,a desk, a wardrobe,a television, and plenty of floor space

Hinata washed out the last bit of conditioner from his hair before hopping out the shower and getting changed into the clothes tsukishima gave him they were a size too big but that was nothing tightening the waist band could fix along with letting the shirt drop just below his mid thigh, deciding to let his hair air dry meaning it would be curlier that ruffling it in a towel over and over again

'I look so....real' hinata though to himself as he admired his features in the big mirror he moved his hair around in different directions, making sure it wasn't covering his eyes as the curls were lower and more free flowing in the front, after deciding it was enough messing around with his hair he left the bathroom taking his uniform with him downstairs as tsukishima demanded on doing the laundry

"I'm gunna to start cooking in a minute. Is there anything you want in particular?"Tsukishima said as he took notice of hinata who was standing in his clothes and white nike socks that were pulled up to his mid calf

"CHICKEN!!!" Hinata screeched while handing tsukishima his school uniform

"Fine, but do you ever eat anything besides chicken?" Tsukishima questioned

"Yeah, I do! I like pork buns,not so much steemed vegetables buns tho, but I really like katsu!!"

"Katsu, it is then," tsukishima said while putting the washing in the washing machine and pressing some buttons for it to start

"You can cook?" Hinata questioned


"Akiteru said you can't cook,

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