𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"Are you just going to sit and watch him all lunch?" Yamaguchi asked Tsukishima

Tsukishima wasn't really paying attention. Instead, he was watching hinata from the other side of the lunch hall, hinata had two other close friends besides kageyama, who he hung out with a lot at school during lunch and walking around the school and stuff

And they had their own little trio the type of friendgroup that the whole year knew of as they'd laugh in lessons and never stop talking along with doing dumb shit in the lunch hall and make funny jokes and to be fair they were all pretty attractive which made them more noticeable

Vinny has black hair styled in a wolf cut, long but not long enough to cover his eyes. Some would say he had dopey eyes like he was always tired, but that's a pretty attractive especially combined with his deep voice almost as if he had just woke up, basically he looked sleep deprived , and he was around 5ft 11. Yeah, so he was what a lot of people considered attractive,that's why vinnys hands all over hinata pissed tsukishima off

Does he normally touch hinata so much?

"Tsukki?"yamaguchi questioned for the third time

"What?" Tsukishima batted back clearly agitated

"Are you okay. You've been starting at hinata all lunch."

"I'm fine."

Yamaguchi was very aware he was being lied to, which was annoying since he could already sense the problem as before he and kageyama got together it would annoy him seeing oikawa with his hands all over tobio even though it was clearly platonic

"Vinny and hinata would make a cute couple, don't you think?" tadashi smiled

Tsukishima looked absolutely disgusted for a few seconds "Yeah maybe whatever, sure they would. I don't care." Tsukishima groaned. He did care he cared a lot, and it annoyed him a lot

Did clinging onto hinata for the whole of the previous day really cause him to be this attached?

Everything annoyed him all of a sudden
He felt better than he did the day before. Obviously, that's why he attended school, but dark circles could still be seen under his eyes and his hair more unorganised than unusual. He felt ill, not a "I feel like I'm going to be sick" type of illness but more of a lovesick illness it had been around 15 hours since hinata left his house last night and they haven't talked since wich wasn't weird or anything because tsukishima went straight to bed once hinata left and they didn't have any classes together in the morning so they just hadn't had the chance to talk yet

But when you see someone else talking and touching someone you feel possessive over instead of yourself, then it gets a bit annoying.

"I'm going for a walk." Tsukishima stated before standing up and leaving lageyama and yamaguchi in the lunch hall

"What's wrong with him?"kageyama said his mouth half filled with rice

"I dunno. I think he needs to be around hinata."

"Like medicine"

"Yeah, tobio like medicine,"

Tsukishimas head hurt more by each minute that passed. There was no point in going home since it was lunch, and there were only two periods left, but all he could think about was the pounding sensation in his head that was until

"Hinata, what the hell?" tsukishima screamed as he felt the sensation of hinats hands on both sides of his waist

"I thought you would be ticklish," hinata frowned

"In what world is grabbing onto my waist and squeezing it going to make me ticklish?" Tsukishima questioned

"It works on me! I always get ticklish when someone does it to me," hinata beamed

"You're just sensitive," tsukishima stated


"Oh, but you really are shoyo,"

"I'm not."

"You are."

Hinata paused for a second before holding direct eyecontact with tsukishima "prove it then"

Tsukishima didn't like to be challenged, but in this case, it was more than tolerable

He backed hinata up against the wall, still maintaining the deepest eyecontact he's ever had

His hand started in hinatas' hair and made its way down to his forehead, then his temple down to his cheek trailing down his jawline, not breaking eye contact as tsukishima would describe hinatas eyes as golden brown like the afternoon sun shining through a glass of whiskey

And tsukishimas' eyes were just as beautiful as hinata vividly, remember referencing them to being like a melted pot of the finest gold

It was impossible to break eyecontact just as impossible as it was to break the tension between the two of them in this one specific moment

It would be wrong for them to kiss in this moment for starters they were in school, anyone could walk around the corner any second and the big reason, they weren't even dating yet.

They couldn't.

"HEY THAT TICKLES STOP IT!!" hinata giggled as tsukishima tickled his neck

"Told you your sensitive." tsukishima snickered tho he was more of a mess inside he was a second away from kissing hinata. god, he was losing every sense of self controll around this boy,

"Okay, maybe a little, but not that much,"

"Not that much? Didn't you just scream for me to stop about 10 seconds ago?"

"Nope, definitely not. I would never," hinata lied,

"You're funny." Tsukishima said very obviously filled with sarcasm

"Thank you, thank you, that's so sweet, and you're so so kind," hinata said with double the sarcasm

"You're no longer funny."

"You think I'm funny. i know you do,"

Tsukishima couldn't help but roll his eyes as he knew full well hinata could make him laugh real bad at times

"I'm leaving, bye." Tsukishima snickered

"Without me? I don't think so, " hinata said as he grabbed onto tsukishimas Blazer

"Following me around now, are we?"

"Maybe? Is that a problem?" Hinata questioned

"Only if you make it one."

"Shouldn't be too hard unless me asking you to help me revise atomic structure is a problem?" Hinata questioned

"Yeah, sure, come on then, and get off my blazer it's annoying,"

"You love it, really."

"Maybe I do."

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