Journeys and Encounters

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The scene starts with Nandini waking up and going for yoga. After her yoga session, she freshened up and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. In a few minutes, everyone gathered for the morning meal.

Nandini:  Mom, I'm going to visit my parents this evening, and then I'm heading to the airport. Is that okay with you? (Nandini hoped her mother would agree.)

Mohini: Sure, you can go. Just remember to call me when you reach Bali.

Nandini: Okay, Mom. By the way, Raghav, will you come to my house to meet my parents?

Raghav: Not possible, Nandini. I already have a meeting with a foreign client.

Nandini: Alright.

Raghav: But after you come back, we can plan to spend the whole day with them.

Nandini: That's a great idea. (After breakfast, Mohini went to her friend's house, and Nandini returned to her room, where she saw Raghav getting ready for the office.)

Nandini: Can you drop me at the airport?

Raghav: I'm so sorry, Nandini. Today, I have a lot of work, but our driver can drop you. (Nandini felt disappointed with Raghav, wishing he would show more care for her. She wondered if she deserved a little more consideration.)

Nandini: Okay then, goodbye. We'll meet after ten days.

Raghav: Goodbye. Have a safe journey. Raghav gave her a hug and left for the office. After Raghav's departure, Nandini began packing for her trip.

Scene starting at Manik's house:

Manik woke up and proceeded to his gym for a workout. After his workout, he freshened up and headed to Myeesha's room to wake her up. Together, they went to the dining room for breakfast.

Manik: Good morning, everyone. ( Everyone returned his morning greeting.) So, what should I bring for Mom and Dad?

Neyonika: Bring anything you like, Manik. I love it when you choose something.

Manik: Okay, Mom. And what about you, Dad?

Shrikant: I'd like some local wine.

Manik: Alright, Dad. And Myeesha, what would you like?

Myeesha: I want chocolates.

Manik: Sure thing. Prena, what's your preference?

Prena: I'd like a handmade shawl.

Manik: Okay.( After breakfast, Nyo and Shrikant left for work, Prena dropped Myeesha at school, and Manik went to his room to pack for the trip. Later, he headed to the office.)

The scene shifts to Nandini's side:

In the evening, Nandini arrived at her parents' house.

Nandini: Hi, Mom and Dad.

Priya: Hello, Nandini. How are you doing?

Nandini: I'm good. And how are both of you?

Mohit: We're doing well, dear.

Priya: Where is Raghav?

Nandini: He's in the office and couldn't make it. But he'll meet both of you after the trip.

Priya: Okay, come, Nandini, I want to talk to you in private.

Nandini: Okay, Mom. (They both went to the terrace for a private conversation.)

Priya: So, Nandini, when are you going to have a baby?

Nandini: Mom, I've talked to Raghav, and we've decided to see a doctor after the trip.

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