Torn Between Two Worlds: Manik's Internal Struggle

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I worked on this chapter with my friend, @Himakshi04, and I'm really thankful for her help in my story

Manik Pov

I was driving home from my office. I decided to halt at our favorite ice cream parlor. Today, due to overtime, I wasn't able to spend quality time with her, which offended my little princess. So I decided to get her favorite ice cream flavor as my apology.

I ascended from my car only to find a mob in the shop, so I decided to wait at the chairs nearby. As I sat, I saw Nandini and Raghav chatting happily while having their ice creams. I sat facing Nandini so I could glance at her beautiful face. They mustn't have noticed me because they were too engrossed in their chats.

The way Raghav was being close to Nandini was poking me in my heart. The thought that someone else is close to her rather than me was just hurting me. The spark that she had in her eyes while she talked to him was shattering me. I felt a pang of jealousy as she leaned close to him and wiped the ice cream on the corner of his mouth while he grabbed her hand and playfully looked at her.

I clenched my fists as he grabbed her hand. I know he is her husband though, but still, I was getting jealous when he was close to her. Also, Nandini seemed very happy with him. And I wasn't able to accept it.

Raghav: I love it when you are close to me, Nandini.

 I heard Raghav say as he looked into her eyes. My eyes lingered on the couple talking romantically together, wishing I could have a relationship like that with envy boiling inside me. I was feeling a sharp pain in my chest as I felt the lack of Nandini beside me.

I was feeling a knot in my stomach at the thought that she is so close to someone else rather than me. My heart felt heavy at the sight in front of me. Restlessness started captivating me.

Manik:  I don't know why I was feeling so restless at the thought that she is not with me???

I knew both of us were married then still, why was I feeling a pang of jealousy in me?? Why did I wish to be at Raghav's place?? Why did I feel to just hug her and keep her safe from everyone else?? Why did I call Nandini instead of Prena when I had a minor accident??

Why did I feel the need for her that time? Why is her silence killing me from inside?? Why am I feeling that something's missing? Why am I feeling a hollow in my heart? Why am I feeling void these days??

A tornado of various unsolved questions was going on in my mind. Many unknown and new feelings were arising within me. Suddenly, I felt a wave of realization and all the sweet moments that I spent with her started flashing in front of my eyes.

My heart always skipped a beat whenever she called my name. I always found solace in her presence. The way her eyes sparkled when she laughed wholeheartedly, the way she was comfortable whenever she was with me, her aura always positive, all just made me want her forever.

I started realizing that I am feeling something more than friendship for Nandini. But still, it wasn't clear. Nandini started influencing me so much. Her presence, her absence affected me more than usual.

My heartbeat was racing faster as things began to form a clear picture in my mind. Between all my rushing thoughts and unsolved feelings, I realized that I have fallen in love with Nandini.

As Manik snapped out of his thoughts, he couldn't help but wonder.

Manik: What the heck is happening? Why am I developing feelings for Nandini? I love Prena, how is this even possible?" He dismissed it initially as a trick of his mind, rationalizing that it was just a passing phase. However, his heart vehemently disagreed, insisting that these feelings were real.

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