Serene Beginnings: Yoga, Brunch Banter, and Farewell Hugs

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In the tranquil confines of Nandini's room, the day unfolded with the promise of adventure. The first rays of dawn embraced her as she prepared for a serene yoga session. Just as the morning serenity settled around her, a melodious chime interrupted – Raghav was calling.

Raghav: Hi, Nandini. How's the magic of your trip unfolding?

Nandini: Oh, it's enchanting. How about you?

Raghav: All good. Care to share when you'll grace us with your presence tomorrow? I'd love to be your welcoming committee.

Nandini: Tomorrow at 6 am, the world will have the pleasure.

Raghav: Perfect. Tomorrow it is then.

Nandini: Absolutely.

As their conversation continued, Raghav couldn't resist a playful inquiry.

Raghav: By the way, did you manage to bring the elixir of relaxation, the wine I suggested?

Nandini: Of course, I've got it all sorted for you.

Just as Raghav was about to delve into a mysterious revelation, a sudden interruption stole the spotlight – an important call demanded his attention.

Raghav: I'll have to leave you hanging for now. I'll reconnect with you soon. Take care, Nandini.

Nandini: Until then, Raghav. Bye.

With that, she set out for the beach, her personal sanctuary. The rhythmic waves provided the backdrop for her yoga routine, but as the sun continued its ascent, a conspicuous absence caught her eye – Manik hadn't joined her. Determined to unravel the mystery, she decided to dial his number, setting the stage for the unfolding drama on the sands of destiny.


In the hushed embrace of the morning, Manik stirred from his slumber. As he sipped his coffee on the balcony, memories of yesterday flooded his mind—Nandini's comforting presence, a balm to his troubled thoughts. There was an inexplicable tranquility in her company, a connection that eluded logic. He had glimpsed a familiar pain in her eyes while she diverted his attention, reminiscent of his own struggles. It was during those moments discussing marriage that he felt a compelling urge to aid her... (his reverie was interrupted by the ringing of his mobile—a call from Nandini.)

Nandini: Hi, are you joining us at the beach for yoga?

Manik: Not feasible. I have to pack my bag. I forgot to do it yesterday.

Nandini: Please come for half an hour, then I'll assist you in packing if you'd like.

Manik: Sure, I'll be there. Just wait for 10 minutes.

Nandini: Sure. (nandini pondered why manik sought more time with her. Was it because their return would thrust them back into their daunting routines where they might seldom meet?)

A short while later, Manik joined Nandini at the beach.

Nandini: Let's begin yoga. (They commenced their practice, and after an hour, it concluded.) (Scooping a handful of sand, Manik let it trickle through his fingers.)

Manik:Yoga surprises me—I never imagined finding solace in it. It's like a mental retreat.

Nandini (Nandini chuckled): Absolutely. And bonus points for being an excellent yoga partner.

Manik (Manik grinned.): thanks, Perhaps I have a hidden knack for downward dogs and warrior poses. (Nandini nudged him playfully.)
Nandini: Who would have guessed? Maybe we should make this a regular affair. (Manik raised an eyebrow.)

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