Y/n's and their Obi vs Pro Heroes and Bakugo

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Y/n: "Your midair moves weren't half bad. Also... you certainly did a fine job separating her, right where I'd trapped Tamayo. I mean, how cute is that? As ugly as you are! I'm starting to get rather fond of you. You're like a rat on the brink of death."

Bakugo: An extremely strong villain... Can I do it? Without backup... Can I take on an Upper Rank alone? No, it's not a matter of if I can do it! I have to do it!

Y/n: "Fu..."

Bakugo: "Grr...!"


Jiro puts her ear to the ground.

Jiro: I can hear the sound of someone battling. I can hear it well thanks to my quirk. There's something here!

Jiro: "Momo here!"

Momo creates a cannon and breaks the ground.

~Back with Y/n~

Y/n hears the explosion from Momo's attack.

Y/n: "What an infernal racket, you piece of trash! What is that sound? What are you doing? Where? From the Ogimoto House...? How many of you are here? Four?"

Bakugo: "I'm not telling you!"

Y/n: "If you tell me the truth, I'd be willing to spare your life. We clashed for maybe an instant, but look at your gear! It's already nicked."

Bakugo: "Ah..."

Bakugo looks at his gaulent. It is dulled and nicked all over.

Bakugo: "Ah...!"

Y/n: "Some hack of a support company must've made that gear, am I right?"

Another explosion rings throughout the area.

Y/n: "It's starting to get noisy all over the place. It's annoying me, so this time, I'm going to kill you."

Bakugo: That's what I've been training for! Don't go down in defeat!

After a few attacks, Y/n gets annoyed.

Y/n launches another attack against Bakugo. Their obi sashes slice through Bakugo's neck, but Bakugo disappears.

Y/n: "Ah..." Where is he?

Bakugo aims for her neck as the opening thread appears around Y/n's neck.

Y/n: "Ah...!"

Bakugo: I can do it! I can take them down!

Y/n: "So slow. You're making me yawn."

The opening thread snaps.

Bakugo: "Ah! URK!"

Y/n kicks Bakugo away.

Bakugo: "Urk! Ngh... Ugh..." Go on the defensive! Defensive!

Bakugo lands hard but starts to breathe hard.

Bakugo: How are they so strong? How could they take those explosions like that without even a scratch?

Y/n: "Oh, so you're still alive?"

Y/n launches another attack at Bakugo. Bakugo takes a deep breath. He holds out his hand and flips into the air and blocks Y/n's attack.

Bakugo: "Ngh!"

Bakugo lands and continues blocking attacks.

Bakugo: This belt is like a powerful blade! Even if I glimpse an opening thread, it vanishes just like that! My attacks are too slow!

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