After the Fight + Bonding with Doma

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Y/n launches themself upwards before landing next to Bakugo.

Y/n: "Katsuki-Chan?"

Y/n pokes him.

Bakugo: "Huh?!"

Y/n: "Are you feeling better?"

Y/n smiles at him while leaving out a hand.

Bakugo: "Yes. Did we win?"

Bakugo grabs their hand.

Y/n: "No."

Bakugo: "HUH?!"

Y/n: "It's okay. I had a lot to lose this round if I didn't I would've played at the level you're at."

Bakugo: "Right."

~After School~

Izuku: I'm going to get bound up by Aizawa-Sensei...

Midoryia opens the door.

Red Spiky-haired male: "Oh hey Midoryia!! Nice job back there!! Well, I couldn't hear what you were saying, but that was some heated stand-off, man!!"

Pink girl: "You dodged like a champ!"

Brown spiky-haired male: "That first match was so intense it fired us all up!"

Izuku: "Where's Y/n-San?"

Uraraka: "With Bakugo, they're heading home."

As Izuku talked to Bakugo Y/n had slipped off to go eat.

Y/n: "I could go for (Favorite Food)."

~A few days later~

Y/n bursts into a bar causing heads to turn.

Blue-haired male: "Hey, you can't-"

Y/n: "Did we lose the hero?"

Doma looks out the door before quickly retreating farther back.

Doma: "No."

Y/n: "Did you really need that persons head!?"

Doma: "Of course I did! Do you see how beautiful she is?"

Y/n: "Why didn't you take the entire body?"

Y/n walks towards the bar.

Y/n: "Don't let us bother you."

Blue-haired male: "Are you villains?"

Y/n: "No."

Blue-haired male: "But you just killed someone."

Y/n: "I didn't the demon did. I have nothing to do with the cult leader."

Doma: "I'm going to put this head on the new vase Gyokko gave me."

Y/n: "Yeah. Yeah. Todoroki Y/n. That's Doma."

Blue-haired male: "Shigaraki. Have you ever consider joining the villains?"

Y/n: "No. I want to spite my father by being a better hero than he ever was."

Shigaraki: "Anyway. Get out."

Y/n: "Come on. The police are after us!"

Shigaraki: "I don't care. Only Villains allowed."

Y/n: "He's a cannibalistic, mass murderer, serial killer doesn't that count?"

Shigaraki: "No."

Y/n: "Fine. Nakime!"

Y/n and Doma disappeared as soon as a biwa was heard.

Shigaraki: "That was weird. Have you seen this? He's become a teacher... Hey. What do you think would happen once the "Symbol of Peace" Got snuffed out by villains?"

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