Chapter 4

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The guards bow as soon as Kellam came around the corner. But they couldn't help but look at the woman beside him. They have never seen a woman like her before. The eye colour is the strangest thing about her.

"If you value your life keep your eyes to yourself."

They averted their gaze immediately.

Lynexia don't know why she's still surprised after seeing the interior of different rooms. The throne room was out of this world. Up on a small rising stood two thrones. One bigger than the other and covered in different gemstones molded into obsidian. It was simply stunning.

Hush whispers could be heard. Lynexia could feel the eyes on her.

They were curious as to who she was. The uniquely strange girl.

Kellam lift her on the small throne before sitting on his.

"What do you old geezers need from me?" Lynexia stare at him, shocked. There was no respect for them in his tone.

"Who is she?"

"My Queen. You have a problem with that?"

"No problem." They were scared senseless of him.

"Dragon eggs are popping up everywhere. It's sending the entire kingdom in a panic. It could only mean that the Mother of Dragons is back and she will be furious."

"Can you blame her? You did kill her kids in cold blood. I want nothing more than to watch those silly humans burn to the ground one by one."

"That's cruel!"

"Weren't they cruel when they take my kids from me?! They barely started life. I've been angry for centuries and now I can finally settle the score. They won't know what hit them."

"But Your Majesty there are children down there!"

"I stop caring a long time ago."

"Gentlemen. Please calm down. There is no need to be hostile. You only gain enemies when you start the war."

"That witch started the war."

"Is that how you describe the Mother of Dragons infront her face?"

"Ah. What?"

"Meet the Mother of Dragons. She's your Queen."

They fell to their knees to beg for forgiveness. Lynexia look at Kellam. What do you do in situations like this?

"That's enough. I want all the eggs underground before the sunset."

"But that's impossible!"

"Then better get started."

He get up and Lynexia follow. She was curious as to what the dragon eggs looks like. Would they be very big or very small? She'll just have to wait and see.

"What is underground?"

"A lava pit. It was use to keep the eggs warm until they hatched. Its forbidden for civilians to go there without permission and I don't allow it. Its a sacred ground. The first Mother is buried there."

"Oh! Can you tell me about her?"

"She was like you when I met her. Smart, sweet and have the biggest heart. But she was taken from me. She and our two girls were murdered in cold blood. Not a day went that I don't think about then. I've been so lonely for centuries."

"You're not alone anymore."

Kellam stop and look at her.

"Before I came here I didn't have anyone. I left home at sixteen. I ran from home. My parents were abusive. I know what it feels like to be alone. No one should be alone. If you accept me then I'll stand by your side. Through thick and thin."

"I've already accepted you Lynexia, Mother of Dragons."

She smiled. She like her life now than before.

They got back to the room and Lynexia settle on the window seat with a book. Kellam just relax on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

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