Chapter 26

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100 Years Later

Bones crunch under shoes as soldiers walk through the battlefield. Bodies were burnt beyond recognition.

Dragons blacken the sky as they look for the enemies to burn to a crisp.

"All done Your Majesty."

Kellam stood tall, his long hair blowing in the wind and his cape bellowing behind him.

He spend the last hundred years ridding the world of his enemies. Anyone who posed a threat to his Queen was killed immediately. He create a blood bath no matter where he go.

"Your Majesty the moon is rising."

He look up at the sky. The hundred year mark has come to am end. 

Hid brother Samikasi stood beside him covered in blood and gore. Talon land infront him with Kasmik.

"We've done well my sons. We've done very well."

Selah open her eyes slowly. Everything seem so clearer to her. Sitting up slowly she look around. Everything seem so different. She wonder how long she has been out.

Getting off the bed she almost fell. Her legs weren't corporating with her.

"My Queen."

The woman popped into the room scaring Selah.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Iris."

"Why does everything seem so different?"

"You've been asleep for a while My Queen."

Feeling the feeling returning to her legs, Selah walk to the window. She gasp as she take in the blacken earth. There was no living tree in sight. Its like castle stood in the middle of a...battlefield.

"What happen? Where is Kellam? Where is he?"

She run to the door and pull it open. She run as fast as her legs could carry her.

"Kellam! Where are you?"

She reach the throne room and push the double doors open.

Heavy footsteps cause her to turn around.

"Kellam!" She run to him and he home her for dear life. "You're OK."

"You're awake."

She pull away and then she noticed his appearance.

His long hair and his scar features. Her hand touch his face as tears come to her eyes.

"What happened?"

"Let's go men."

Samikasi lead the men away leaving the couple alone.

"Alot has happen my love."

"This isn't my Kellam. No."



"Selah." She step back and he reach for her.

"What happen to you? How can so much change so fast?"

"Please." He look at her with pleading eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry this is what you have to look at. I'm sorry you can't look at this anymore. I'm sorry I'm not that handsome flawless man you love."

He clenched his fist in anger.

She walk up to him and slap him across the face.

"I don't care about your damn face Kellam! You you think I love you because of your damn face? This is just hard to accept. So much has changed in such a short time."

"It's been a hundred years Selah. You've been asleep for a hundred years."

"What?" He pull her into his arms.

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