Chapter 25

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Kellam sat on the throne with a face of stone. His heart has stop beating and his eyes were empty.

The council sat like statues infront of him. They were afraid to make a move incase it cost them their life.

"Your Majesty." A soldier came in and fall to his knees. "The West kingdom has been wiped out."

"Any survivors?"

"No Your Majesty. But we did find this."

Two more guards came in with a golden box.

"What is it?"

"It's the ball of Destiny Your Majesty."

Kellam get up and walk to the box. He open it and pick up the crystal ball. He feel the power course through his veins.

He drop the ball and everyone gasp. He bend and pick up the ring that was inside. He slip it onto his finger.


"Your Majesty."

Kellam smile at the council scaring the life out of them.


They were smart enough not to say anything. They know their king wasn't in their right mind since his Queen went into a deep sleep.

"I want all the witched captured. All magic users will be put under a tight watched."

"Your Majesty we can't possibly find all of them,"a council member protested.

"Are you questioning my orders Rafael?"

"No Your Majesty."

"Them do what I say or your family will be burying you."

He walk out of the throne room. He twist the ring around his finger.

"Hang in there love. This is only the beginning."

Talon push his head through the window and Kellam pat his head.

"Mama will be awake soon. Be a good boy until she wake up. I feel your pain."

Talon nudge him and whine.

"Whoever is causing this will pay dearly. I'll kill them with my own hands."

He walk away down the dark hallway. He is set on vengeance.

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