II - The Jungle of Ari

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The soft roar of crashing waves was the first sound that came to Jerrim.

When he finally managed to open his eyes, he saw nothing but white light. Rough shapes began to form through his blurred vision–wispy clouds in a bright sky.

Birds cawed nearby, joining the sounds of the ebbing waves crashing on the beach.

Coarse sand shifted beneath him.

The cool water–refreshing on his legs and bare torso–pushed its way up to Jerrim's chin, forcing him to lift his head. He could taste the salty sand that stuck to most of his face. While his head throbbed and his eyes stung, when Jerrim thought of Liana, all other thoughts went away.

His head darted up with a vitality that shocked even him, but a sharp pain immediately shot through his abdomen and he keeled over. Clutching his side, he felt the fleshy wound there. He carefully removed his hand and saw the pulpy gash that spread along the side of his body. Slowly seeping blood had begun to flow from his movements. He struggled to breathe as the shock reached him, although his mind was soon elsewhere.

Frantically scanning the beach, he saw her.

Liana lay on a wooden board further up the beach, her face hidden within her messy hair. She was not moving.

Mastering his breath and fighting through the pain, Jerrim cursed his inability to run to her.

"Liana!" he called. His hoarse voice caught, so he called out again, stronger this time.

When there was no response, he began to panic. He tried to rise onto a knee but the pain was unbearable, and he keeled over. He called out again; a desperate cry.

He cursed himself again. Going on this crazy adventure was his idea, sort of. If anything were to happen to Liana, it would all be his fault. Why did he have to let her come along on his stupid treasure hunt, sweeping her up in his dreams of unimaginable wealth?

He thought he saw slow movements at first, and then it was clear that Liana was waking.

Jerrim dropped his head with a great sigh of relief, and coughed when the pain hit him again.

Liana rose onto her hands with groggy, careful movements, and settled into a seated position. Jerrim watched her survey the area, waiting for her eyes to fall on him, too exhausted to call out again.

She darted up when she saw him, almost falling onto the white sand as she scrambled to her feet.

"Jerri!" she called, reaching him. She brought his head onto her knee, startled by his cries of pain. Her trembling eyes studied him, a hand hovering helplessly over his injuries.

"Wha–what... are you okay?" Her voice shook with fear and adrenaline.

Jerrim grimaced. "I'm fine. I think so. I just..." He attempted to sit up, but was forced back down by another bout of stabbing pain that took his breath.

"Here," Liana offered, bringing an arm under him and lifting. With a great effort and several groans from him, she managed to bring Jerrim shakily to his feet.

Breathing heavily and sweating profusely, Jerrim's chest stung where she placed a hand, and he knew he had been burnt by the sun.

He looked along the beach, seeing the vast ocean beyond the foamy waves of the shore. Further down, the remains of their boat lay scattered across the beach, some pieces floating back and forth in the shallow tide.

Behind them they saw a thick collection of leafy trees, that seemed to spread as deep as they could see, and across the length of the entire island.

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