X - The New World

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Liana shook with an uncontrollable sorrow. She held Jerrim's lifeless body to her, crying furiously in the rain.

Pulling him closer, she willed his arms to hold her, for his head to come up and look at her with his cheeky smile. To tell her he was fine. That he felt the same way as her. That they could go home now, together.

"Auren Ellaison," came a booming voice that rattled Liana's ears.

Her temple throbbed and specks of blood dripped onto Jerrim, washing over his shirt in the falling rain. Wiping her nose with a palm, she saw smears of blood on her hand. Turning, she finally saw the scene before her.

Elias's coat whipped around him as he stood facing the giant shadow figure, which hovered within a golden light that lit the jungle. Dozens of mutilated bodies lay around them.

"Nuneus," Elias called over the rain and the wind. "How is this so?"

"Our mutual friend, Hooky," began the thundering voice. "He proved a viable vessel for me to accompany you in your reclusive life. I thank you for finally revealing my Chaeolite." Nuneus raised a hand, and the glowing Chaeolite gem flew from the burning satchel into his waiting palm.

"That is what you wanted?" Elias asked, shaking his head in confusion. "Why you took possession of a woodland creature?"

"One of the reasons," Nuneus told him. "One of many."

Each of his words pulsated through Liana, and she trembled at the overpowering presence.

"I did enjoy watching you," the god continued. "The Saviour of Eclauria. The great hero, Auren Ellaison. A creature more pathetic than the one I possessed. War is prevalent, whether you choose to ignore it or not, saviour. And I intend on witnessing the first battles of the next great war. My war."

"So you will kill me."

"No. That is not your fate." Nuneus's featureless head turned towards Liana, and she felt a great wave of power crash over her. "You were good to me. To that creature, Hooky. You both were. I will enjoy watching good people like you suffer."

The wind gathered strength and trees wavered with the hazy energy that gathered around the god.

"I will see you both again," Nuneus declared, before he was swept up within the glowing mist and vanished, leaving wisps of vapour in the air.

The rain stopped almost immediately, leaving a few remaining drops from the leaves above.

Liana could make no sense of any of it. Her mind was numb, exhaustion overpowering her. She still held Jerrim, his torso resting on her knees. Tears fell again as she looked upon his lifeless face.

Leaves crunched behind her. Elias was by her side. He stood in silence, though Liana did not care for him. Nothing mattered anymore.

Oh Jerrim. The words left her mouth in a pained moan. Or maybe she thought them. She played with his hair and ran a hand along his muddied face, not knowing what to do, just wanting to touch him.

"I am sorry," Elias whispered.

Liana wiped her eyes and looked up at him.

Elias shook his head. His eyes were red. "I did not want any of this to happen."

Liana wept again, returning to Jerrim.

After a moment, Elias spoke again. "We have to go, Liana."

"I'm not leaving him," she said, her voice shaking with defiance.

"He belongs to Xylophia now. He is not for us any longer. I will bury him, and leave him for nature."

Liana tried to focus and understand his words. Stifling her sobs, she said, "I'll bury him."

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