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Annoying Girl In Next Door-06

-Third Person Pov-





Amidst the lively chatter and banter in the cafe, a sudden greeting interrupted the ambiance, drawing everyone's attention.

"Hello, guys!" the voice resonated, prompting you all to turn your heads and witness the unexpected arrival.

Shock painted your faces as you laid eyes on the person who had just entered the scene.

"What. He. Doing. Here?" your thoughts echoed as your gaze met his.

The collective surprise was palpable; even Haerin, with her usual composed demeanor, was caught off guard.

You exchanged glances with her, observing the wide-eyed shock and hands covering her mouth, mirroring the bewilderment that enveloped the entire group.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Haerin's internal monologue resonated with your own thoughts as you both tried to make sense of the unexpected guest.

"Long time no see, guys... it's Woonhak!" he announced, your long-time school rival standing in front of you, seemingly unperturbed by the collective shock.

You, in particular, harbored a history of animosity towards Woonhak. While he saw you as a potential friend, there existed a past reason for your disdain.

A reason that no longer held any validity.

"IT'S WAS WOONHAK!?" Ni-Ki exclaimed, capturing the astonishment shared by everyone at the table.

Eunchae nodded, confirming the identity of the unexpected guest.

"Dude, sit here!" Ni-Ki invited Woonhak, who nodded in acknowledgment and took a seat beside you.

"Hey, Y/n," Woonhak greeted you with a wave, to which you awkwardly mumbled a response, avoiding direct eye contact.

As your eyes wandered, they met the gaze of that cat-like girl, Haerin. An eye roll exchanged between you two conveyed a silent agreement on the unexpected turn of events.

"So, you're the one who transferred here?" Kyujin inquired, directing her attention to Woonhak.

"Yeah, I'll start school from tomorrow!" Woonhak replied, a genuine smile accompanying his words.

"It's going to be fun!" Ni-Ki chimed in with enthusiasm.

"Aren't you excited, Y/n?" Woonhak turned to you for your opinion.

"Uh... yeah," you responded awkwardly, the discomfort evident in your demeanor.

The past reasons for your animosity towards Woonhak were no longer relevant, but the unease lingered.

A subtle desire to escape washed over you, and as you glanced at Haerin, her discomfort mirrored your own. The unspoken tension in the air was palpable.

"This year is going to be a mess," you thought, listening to your friends chat with each other. The atmosphere, once filled with laughter, now carried an undercurrent of awkwardness with Woonhak's presence.

You couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort, knowing that Haerin shared the same sentiment in the presence of someone from the past – someone you both weren't entirely prepared to face.

As the echoes of laughter and shared moments faded with the setting sun, the time came to bid farewell.

Amid the dispersing group, a familiar voice cut through the air, calling your attention.

Kang Haerin stood there, a proposition hanging in the air.

"Hey, can we walk together since we are neighbors," she suggested, her eyes avoiding direct contact, revealing a hint of vulnerability.

"Huh?" you thought, surprised by the unexpected offer.

"Is Kang Haerin asking me to walk together?" A subtle smirk played on your lips as you contemplated the intriguing turn of events.

"Yeah, now can we—" Haerin began, but her words were abruptly cut off by another voice, one that invoked a sense of discomfort for both of you.

"Hey, you two!" The voice, unmistakably familiar, disrupted the emerging conversation.

Turning, you saw Woonhak, a figure from the past, adding a layer of complexity to the already awkward atmosphere.

"Can I join you guys? My house is in the same block too," he suggested, his eyes locking onto yours.

"Ah, ehm... Yeah, of course," you responded, a forced smile accompanying your words.

Woonhak smiled warmly and joined your side, forming an unintended trio.

"Shall we walk?" Woonhak proposed with a wide grin.

Both you and Haerin nodded heads awkwardly, a palpable tension settling in as the trio embarked on their journey home.

As the minutes passed in an uneasy silence, Woonhak, perhaps sensing the discomfort, decided to break the ice.

"So, you two still best friends now?" he questioned, his gaze shifting between you and Haerin.

"What the..." you thought, the unexpected query catching you off guard.

"NO!" The simultaneous exclamation from both you and Haerin echoed through the quiet street, revealing the lingering resentment from the past.

"I still can't believe she was my best friend," you mused internally, a hint of disdain coloring your thoughts.

"Oh, so you two still have the ice?" Woonhak continued, observing the exchanged glances between you and Haerin.

"Yes, and it's happened for you," Haerin thought, her eyes rolling discreetly.

"Yeah... maybe," you responded cautiously, a momentary connection with Haerin before both of you averted your gazes.

"Oh, you two look cute together... as best friends," Woonhak remarked with a playful tone, blissfully unaware of the underlying tension.

"How was I friends with that grumpy cat?" Haerin scoffed internally, the memories of the past surfacing.

"It seems like it's my stop now. Bye, you two! See you tomorrow!" Woonhak bid farewell with a smile, disappearing into his house.

Left in the aftermath, you and Haerin exchanged glances, sharing a common sentiment of disbelief.

"I can't believe he's here," you murmured, your gaze lingering on Woonhak's house.

"Same," Haerin concurred, nodding her head in agreement.

"But you should be happy since your childhood crush came, fat cat," you teased, a playful glint in your eyes as you looked at Haerin.

"Ugh, shut up, you ugly!" Haerin shot back, beginning to walk away, her stride punctuated with a mix of irritation and reluctance.

"Hey, wait for me, dude!" you chuckled, following Haerin into the lengthening shadows of the evening, the duo's journey home continuing in an uneasy rhythm.

( To be continued )

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