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Annoying Girl in Next Door - 14

- Third Person Pov -



"Come on," Haerin urged, clasping your hand firmly and propelling you forward. You felt a mixture of irritation and a subtle warmth at her touch. "Where are we headed?" you inquired, trying to match her pace.

"Home," she responded with a sigh, her steps quickening as she guided you along the path.

"But Eunchae invited us to join them..." you trailed off, hoping she would reconsider. Haerin halted abruptly, fixing you with a serious gaze that sent a shiver down your spine. "No, we're not going anywhere. You're staying with me," she declared firmly, her grip on your hand tightening.

"Haerin, you've been acting strange lately, and honestly, I'm not in the mood to spend time with you," you confessed, meeting her gaze with a furrowed brow. Her demeanor shifted, the playful glint in her eyes replaced by a sober intensity. "But you have to. You will, or I'll find a way to make you," she insisted, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"And besides, you're already coming over to tutor me later. It's like fate has decided to keep bringing us together. Are you my soulmate or something?" she teased, her expression softening into a smile as you let out a resigned sigh. "I'd rather be doing anything else," you muttered, a faint smile tugging at the corners of your lips as Haerin chuckled in response.


"So what's the solution?" You asked, pointing to the problem in the textbook. Haerin stifled a yawn, clearly struggling to stay focused. "I'm feeling tired," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. Frustration welled up inside you. "We've barely begun-" Your sentence was abruptly cut short by the impact of a sandal hitting your head. "Ouch!" you exclaimed, turning to see your mother standing there, the other sandal still in her hand.

"Why are you being so hard on my daughter-in-law!? Do you want to drive her crazy!? Don't stress her out too much," she chided, giving you a stern look before walking over to Haerin.

"Hae, are you feeling hungry? I made some of your favorite ramen," your mom said in a gentle tone, turning your skeptical gaze to her. "Yes, Aunty Kim, if you're the chef, who could resist?" Haerin replied with a mischievous grin, suddenly perking up after feigning sleepiness.

"This cat really knows how to play the game..." you muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes. "Well, come on to the dining room. You must be famished after all that studying with that tough teacher," your mom said, emphasizing "tough teacher." "I'm not a tough teacher, she's just a lousy stu-" you started, but your mom cut you off.

"Quiet down, finish your homework, and learn how to teach properly," she admonished, before leaving the room. Haerin turned to you, a smirk playing on her lips. "Looks like Aunty Kim is warming up to the idea of having me as a daughter-in-law, huh?" she teased, and you glanced up.

"What did you say?" You asked, catching her off guard. "You should probably get your ears checked, you know," she retorted with a chuckle before striding out of the room.

"Save some ramen for me, you ravenous cat!" you called out after her a few minutes later. "No promises! You don't deserve any!" Haerin's playful retort echoed back as you sighed and set down your pen. "This cat... ugh!" you grumbled to yourself.


"Hey," Kyujin's voice broke the silence, and you glanced up from your notebook to meet her gaze. "Y/n, did you hear about Maya's party? I heard you got an invite too," she said as she settled into the seat beside you. You nodded, acknowledging her words. "Yeah, I got the invite, but I won't be going," you replied, prompting a curious expression from Kyujin.

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