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Annoying Girl in Next Door - 15

- Third Person Pov -




"I like you."

"I like you... a lot."

"I like you... I like you... I like you... What?"

"Hey, what the hell!?"

You were jolted out of your thoughts by your sister's loud voice echoing through the room. Her tone was intense and demanding as she locked eyes with you. She was sprawled out on the couch, watching you with suspicion.

"Can you stop pacing back and forth, chanting 'I like you! I like you!' like a broken record! Who the fuck are you even talking about?" she demanded, sitting up straight and crossing her arms. You immediately bit your lip, realizing your muttering had been loud enough for her to overhear.

"No one, I don't like anyone," you laughed nervously, trying to brush it off, but your mind was still reeling from Kang Haerin's sudden confession the night before.

Did she really mean what she said? But everyone always claims drunk words are honest words. So... Kang Haerin, the person who has been a thorn in your side since you were six, actually likes you? The one who constantly teases you and calls you ugly even though you're definitely not? How could you be ugly when you're Kim Minji's sibling, the prized one?

But still... Kang Haerin likes you? The idea was both shocking and confusing, and you couldn't shake off the weight of her confession from your thoughts.

"Y/n—" your mother's voice snapped you out of your thoughts as you turned to see her serving breakfast on Haerin's plate. Haerin, looking half-asleep and battling a hangover, seemed to be eating slowly and struggling to stay awake.

"Yeah, Mom?" you mumbled, trying not to stare at Haerin, though your attention kept drifting back to her. "Why aren't you eating breakfast? What's on your mind? Worried about next week's exam?" your mom asked as she gave Haerin an affectionate pat on the back. Haerin chewed her food lazily, finally glancing your way for the fifth time that morning, her cat-like eyes half-open but still striking.

With the mid-term exam looming next week, you had been hitting the books hard, and you were also responsible for teaching Haerin, hoping she retained something from your sessions.

"Wait, what...? The exam is next week?" Haerin asked, catching you off guard. You bit your lip in frustration. So this cat doesn't even know when the exam is...


"Why is it so damn quiet? You haven't even said a word to me all morning!" Haerin whined as she massaged her temples, her hangover making her irritable. She looked at you as you both waited in class for the teacher to arrive.

"I hate all this quiet; it's awkward as hell. And hey, why are your ears so red?" She squinted at you, leaning in closer, her fingers reaching out to touch your flushed ears. You flinched and smacked her hand away. "Don't touch me!"

"Who do you think you are? You're not my mom!" she shot back, rolling her eyes before groaning and laying her head on the desk. "My head's fucking killing me!"

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