3- progress?

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present; narrative 

Movie nights were my favorite part of the year. Since the girls were busy with practice and classes during the day and I was busy with classes and work we barely saw each other. That's why movie nights were created. We all took turns planning them but thankfully today was Angel's turn. She had the biggest place so instead of half of us sitting on the floor we were usually able to squeeze onto the couch by sitting on each other.

Quinn and I were usually on snack duty too but Kim was strict this year after the win last season. The girls had to be in perfect condition at all times and she made it very clear that I would also get in trouble if I fed them junk so we were going empty handed, having to deal with whatever broccoli chips Angel ate during movies. Seriously, being friends with athletes can be the weirdest sometimes.

"Q, we gotta go come on. Remember last time we let them pick the movie we were stuck watching The Polar Express." I groaned, I couldn't stand that creepy ass christmas movie but everyone else loved it and the majority vote always wins.

"Fuck you're right coming." Quinn rushed to the door, pulling her air forces on in the process. She hated that movie as much as I did and also complained the whole time laying on Izzy's lap.

We ran to my car, willing to break some laws to get there faster. Angel lived on campus so the drive was always fast. I parked and Quinn was quick to jump out of the car and start speed walking up to Angel's apartment. I wasn't in much of a rush, Quinn knew me well enough to vouch for what movie I wanted to watch. She got there light years before me because by the time I walked into the apartment she was sitting between Izzy and Jae arguing about something.

"Parker finally, please tell Poa no one wants to watch Saw." Izzy begged. She wasn't one for horror movies and neither was I but everyone else on the team was psychopathic and wanting to watch horror movies until mid November where we switched to christmas movies.

"Whatever Iz wants to watch I vote for." I laughed walking into the house fully finding Angel, Hailey and Amani in the kitchen. I held my breath, hoping that if I didn't breathe it would prevent me from screaming at Hailey. I completely forget that now that Hailey was on the team she would be invited to team movies nights, I was kinda hoping everyone else saw right through her and didn't invite her.

"Parker girl finally." Angel exclaimed, passing me a cup. I took a sip immediately wanting to throw up. Angel definitely knew how to handle her alcohol, I was a light weight and hated the taste. If it didn't taste fruity or sweet there was no way I could drink it but Angel could drink straight vodka.

"Jesus, what's in that?" I coughed out, handing her the cup back. She rolled her eyes before walking into her living room with Amani, leaving me and Hailey in the kitchen. We didn't say anything, I just looked at her. Her hair was down which I had almost never seen, it was long so I understood the braids most of the time. She looked so different at practice but right now she looked almost pretty?

"Hails, Park you guys coming." Poa screamed from the living room. Hailey was first to walk out of the living room with me trailing behind her. She took the seat on Angel's pink bean bag. I looked at the couch that was completely filled with girls piling on top of each other, a lot of them had smirks on their faces.

"Sit with Hailey, come on, we picked a movie." Angel brushed me off, very impatiently. My eyes almost shot out of my head. That little sad excuse of a bean bag was not big enough for 2 people. It's probably where Angel and her man went to sit on each other not for me and Hailey to sit on top of each other. I looked over at Poa, my usual couch partner who just shrugged with a smile.

I gave in, not wanting to get yelled at by Angel and let everyone know of my secret grudge towards Hailey. When I looked at the blonde she scooted down on the bean bag, bucking her hips out and opening her arms up. I'd be lying if I said that wasn't hot but that's only because I'm gay and single.

She grabbed my hips, leading me to sit right on top of her. My back was against her chest but once I was sitting she didn't move her hands, letting them rest on my hips. I tried to pull her hands off, what did she think this was?

"Can you be a normal person for one night?" She leaned forwards, her lips almost touching my ear. I went still, letting her hands rest on my hips. I tried to pay attention to my surroundings but my mind felt fuzzy, feeling her hands start to rub my hips.

"Ok we're watching Saw." Angel announced excitedly, Izzy groaned and I threw my head back, landing on Halley's shoulder in the process.

"Not a fan of horror movies?" Hailey laughed, I lifted my head up, back to its original position.

"No, they're horrible." I complained, watching Angel press play on the movie and I already wanted to die. Jae threw a blanket at Hailey and I which Hailey threw over us both. I grabbed the blanket, already covering my eyes slightly and it barely started. Hailey laughed from behind me again, pulling me into her even more if that was possible.

I'm not sure if she was trying to make me feel protected or if this was just another way to fuck with my head but it was making my stomach churn. I didn't even jump when some guy cut his own foot off because I couldn't focus on anything except for the hands snaking around my waist and Hailey's perfume that was consuming my thoughts. Throughout the movie I started to get tired, eventually turning on my side and resting my head on Hailey's chest. Somehow forgetting about all the anger I had towards her for one night.

"Parker, it's 2:30" Hailey whispered to me, shaking me awake lightly. I never fall asleep at movie nights, actually I'm usually one of the last ones awake but now sitting up, still on Hailey's lap and looking around we were the only two awake. Quinn was passed out on Izzy's shoulder with her legs on Jae, looks like I'm not getting home today.

"Are you staying?" Hailey asked me, standing up once I got off her, she stretched her arms, making her shirt ride up and you could see her abs poke out. I shook my eyes away, looking at the group of girls fast asleep.

"No usually me and Quinn go home but I've never fallen asleep before." I whispered, weighing my options. If I woke Quinn up right now I could go home but she would be mad, loud and tired and probably wake the rest of the girls up.

"My place is 2 floors up, we could sleep there and come back in the morning." She suggested, coming up from behind me. She was so close that I could feel the heat radiating off her. Was she actually drunk right now? Everyone else was asleep, she could go back to being the bitchy annoying person she actually was.

"We're not friends Van Lith." I turned to face her, our chests were almost touching, she was only 3 inches taller than me but I felt much smaller under her intense stare right now. She licked her bottom lip and I couldn't help but watch her tongue glide across her lip.

"You are such a different person when it's just us. Admit you liked it Parker." She stepped closer, her fingertips brushing across my hips again. Goosebumps rose across my skin and I felt my face turn pink. Good thing it was dark right now but she could probably see the conflicted look on my face. My body and my head were telling me very different things right now.

She took a huge step back laughing as quietly as she could and suddenly the goosebumps all left. Of course it was just another way for her to mess me up. I can't believe it slightly worked at that moment.

"I'd rather sleep on the floor than anywhere near you." I scoffed, shaking my head at her.

She shrugged, grabbing her stuff and walking towards the door. I followed her to lock the door when she finally decided to leave.

"Honestly I think you just pretend to hate me because you're scared to like me." She gave me a careful look before grabbing the door handle and walking out. I locked the door behind her, walking back to the kitchen and taking a swing of Angel's disgusting drink. Hailey is the only person that could piss me off enough to make me drink straight vodka. I hated her, I hated her because she was cocky and she was rude. I had so many reasons to hate her but not one to like her so why did her words make my stomach drop. 

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