New guys.

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She ran fast, as fast as she could. She couldn't let them take her yet, especially when she hadn't had a chance to tell him goodbye. Her feet pounding aggressively against the floor, she halts when she sees him. His eyes widening when he sees her. "Y/n? What's wrong?" He asks, stepping closer to her and cupping her face into his hands. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-" y/n starts to cry, All the tears she was holding spilling.

"What did you do?" He asked in a stern tone, pulling her closer to him. "I tried..I tried to stop them from putting you into the maze." Y/n said shakily, looking away from him. "I knocked one of the guys out, I tried to change the system from putting you into the maze, but.." she stops, more tears flowing down. He grabs her chin and forces her to look at him. "And now they're after you." He said, a sad expression on his face. "They're after both of us." She pulls him closer to her and hugs him tightly, just before two soldiers come and pull them apart, he whispers into her ear. "I'll find you again."

She jolts awake from her nap, she was hot and sweaty. Y/n looks around her empty room and walks to the sink in the corner of the room, splashing water onto her face. "It was just a dream." She mumbled to herself, running her hand through her hair. The door opens and a guard awaits for her.

"Dinner." He said, y/n nods and walks to the dinner hall where multiple kids sat. She slightly gets shoved to area and her eyes quickly scan for a certain someone. Aris. She spots him and grabs her dinner, as she walks towards their table she notices a new group. She shrugs it off and takes a seat with Aris. "Hey." Y/n greets, Aris looks up at her and gives a small smile. "Hey." He replied back, he then turns his head as he notices another guy walk towards the new group.

Y/n watches the group closely, examining each one of them. One blonde with a white and blue shirt, a Asian guy with a dark red shirt, and a darker and slightly darker skinned guy with a hoodie on and the other wearing a t-shirt, and then lastly a guy wearing a gray long sleeve with his hair slightly shorter.

As she looks at each of them, her eyes land on the guy with the dark red shirt, His muscles were showing, she had to admit he was quite attractive. Her head tilts slightly as she examines him. "How long you guys been here?" Newt asked the two guys. "Not long, just a day or two." One of the guys responded, the other then tilting his head towards Aris and y/n.

"Those two over there have been here the longest, almost a week." Minho turns his head to the girl first, taking notice of her already looking at him. She wore a black long sleeve, with her h/c hair tucked behind her ears. Her finger tapping the table impatiently. Minho quickly turns his head back to the guys when he hears one of them talk again. "Their maze was nothing but girls." Minho raises an eyebrow. "Really?" Minho said, almost sounding a bit jealous as he stole another glance at the girl. There was something about her. "Some guys have all the luck."

Y/n notices as one of the new guys stole another glance at her, she was about to get up when Aris had grabbed her forearm and pulled her back down. "Good evening, gentlemen. Ladies..." Janson spoke, entering the room with his clipboard. Her and Aris look at another and quickly duck lower down to the table, they didn't trust this Janson guy one bit. After Janson calls on a few kids to leave this place, y/n lifts her head back up and so does Aris.

Their attention quickly going to one of the newer boys that wore a long sleeve, he begins to yell a girls name. "Teresa!?" He shouts, the girl on the other side looks at him before disappearing behind the walls and a guard stops him. "Where are they taking her?" He asked, clearly worried. "They just have to run a few more tests." The guard tells him. The new dude not seeming to believe anything the guard was saying. Everyone was then escorted back to the rooms.

"I think we should show him." Aris says, climbing out from the vent and sitting on y/n's bed. "You mean the bodies or whatever the hell it is?" She asks, crossing her arms. "Why him? We don't even know him." She then said with a sigh. "Because, something tells me he doesn't trust this place just as much as we do. Maybe his friends will believe him." Aris, stands up and ducks under the bed. Y/n thinks about it for a moment, letting out a small huff. "Fine, let's just hope you're not wrong." She then climbs into the vent after him, following him to this guys room.

Once they arrive to the room, Aris quietly removes the vent and places it to the side. "Hey, down here." Aris whispered, the guy from before looking under his bed shocked. "Come on, follow us." Y/n then says, and turns around. Crawling.

"Hurry this way." Aris said, the guys known as Thomas following behind them. "Hey wait a second." Thomas says, more confused then ever. "Come on we're gonna miss it." Aris urges, and they stop at another vent. Seeing a women use her badge to open a door and a covered body being pushed on some steel bed.

"What the hell was that?!" Thomas asked, looking up at the two with his mouth slightly dropped open. "They bring new ones every night." Aris says. "Like clockwork." Y/n finished his sentence, looking back down as the body disappeared into the room. "You know what they do with them?" Thomas asked, looking back down as well. "I don't know," Aris shrugs, looking from y/n back to Thomas. "This is as far as we've gotten."

"The vents don't even go into that section, once they're in, they never come back out." Y/n looks at Thomas as well, a saddened look on her face. "I don't think anyone ever really leaves this place." Aris added, Thomas face softened a bit still holding a confused expression. "Let's go, before someone notices were gone." Y/n breaks the silence and starts to crawl back. "Why did you guys show me this?" Thomas then asked. "Maybe the others will listen to you, something weird is going on here, I know you think so too." Aris said, now crawling behind y/n before Thomas stops them again. "Wait, what's your guy's name?" He asked, crawling towards them. "Aris." Aris then crawled away, just before y/n leaves she smiles warmly at Thomas. "I'm y/n."

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