Finally Free.

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The sound of waves crashing ashore had awoke Y/n, her body felt a bit stiff and weak but nonetheless she still got up slowly.

No one was around and she heard faint voices from outside the small tent she was in, seeing a few medical supplies on a table next to her.

Y/n had noticed she was wearing something different, a blue over-sized t-shirt and a pair of cargo pants. She then lifted her shirt to reveal her stab wound, the wound was bandaged up and the blood was all gone.

After a few minutes of silence Y/n was quick to think about Minho, Thomas and Newt. Were they okay? Were they able to save Newt in time? Just how long had she been out for? Y/n stood up, realizing she wasn't going to get any answers just by sitting here.

Y/n pushed back a sheet that was used as a door to the tent, a bit surprised at her new surroundings of complete ocean water. The sun was out, bright and shining making her smile.

Y/n exited from the tent, walking down a small path. Her eyes scanned around for the familiar people she knew, Minho, Thomas, Newt, Aris, Sonya and Harriet, Brenda and Frypan, Gally. Teresa as well.

As she got closer to the herd of people, her eyes landed on the familiar boy. He wore a blue shirt, similar to hers. His jet black hair was just perfect. He stood up from the rock he was sitting on, Y/n sped up her pace towards him.

Minho began to speed walk to her as well, Newt, Thomas, Brenda, and Aris quickly following behind him. Y/n then began to tear up, the sight of her friends. Alive, made her feel overjoyed.

She then began to run towards Minho, Minho running towards her as well. Y/n then jumped into his arms, legs wrapped around his waist and his hand holding onto her butt to keep her from falling.
Minho spun her around, a few tears spilled from his eyes. She was alive.

Minho then put her down and kissed her deeply, not wanting to pull away. Once they pulled away the two didn't need to say anything to each other, their eyes said it all for them. Y/n then looked behind Minho, her eyes placed onto the two boys: Thomas and Newt.

Her hand went over her mouth at the sight of Newt, he was alive. She went up to the both of them, both boys wrapping themselves around her and holding her into a tight embrace. Sandwiching her between them.

Once the three pulled away from the tight embrace, she looked at Newt specifically. Her hand placing onto his cheek. "You're alive." She spoke softly, Newt smiled at her and messed with her hair. "I'm alive because of you." He said, the girl laughed as tears streamed down her face now.

"It's good to see you." Aris then spoke up, the two friends shared a hug. "We're glad to have you back." Gally said. "Missed your sarcastic ass." Brenda says. Harriet and Sonya then hugged the girl, exchanging a few meaningful words.

Frypan then pulled her into a tight embrace, thanking her a thousand times for saving Newt. Thomas then holding onto his sister tightly, afraid of losing her again. "You're never leaving my sight again." He said to her, making her laugh a bit.

And then finally Minho. "I'm so glad you're okay, Angel. I've missed you so much." He whispered to her, his arm wrapped around her waist. "I've missed you, too." The two then shared a quick kiss, his hand gripping hers.

"We're finally safe, we're free Angel." Minho smiled, causing Y/n to smile as well. He was right. Here they were free. Free of WCKD. Free of the flare. They were free.

"Wait. Where is Teresa?" Y/n asked, everyone stood silent for a moment before Thomas had then spoken up. "We couldn't save her..." Thomas says, y/n felt tears prick at her eyes. Yes the girl had betrayed them but in then end she devoted her life to save Newts and others. Y/n simply just hugged Thomas tightly.

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