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Y/n was in a locked room, surrounded by empty bunks. Her body was sore and her eyes were puffed up, the trauma of the recurring simulation WCKD had put her through. It felt all too real, seeing her dead best friend, seeing Minho...lifeless.

She couldn't tell what was real or not anymore, from the time she's been in WCKD they've already tested her multiple times, using the same technique over and over again.

Her knees were brought up to her chest, hugging herself as she shivered under the thin blanket they'd given her. She even wore a shirt that said 'PROPERTY OF WCKD.' The room door opens, y/n doesn't bother to look at the door nor does she bother to get up when asked to.

Two guards grab each of her arm and pull her up to her feet, she still didn't budge. They dragged her through the long corridors of the WCKD building, eventually entering a room, one sided glass windows everywhere.

She was shoved into the seat, her hands being handcuffed to the table. Then the familiar face of Teresa entered the room, clipboard in hand. "Y/n?" Teresa spoke softly, earning no answer.

"Y/n, can you hear me?" She asked softly again, Teresa sitting across from her. Y/n's hair was disheveled, her eyes formed even darker eye bags. She looked horrible...and Teresa felt bad, really bad. But she was doing this all for a reason. To find a cure.

Y/n had refused to answered. "Everything were doing here, it's working. Y/n, you might just be saving a little boys life." Teresa says, y/n slowly lifted her head up and locking eyes with Teresa.

"I thought I'd just let you know." Teresa sighed, realizing Y/n wasn't ever going to answer her. Just as Teresa was about to leave, Y/n spoke up.

"Why. Why did you do it?" Y/n asked, her voice raspy. Teresa looked back to the girl and took a seat again. "Have you ever lost someone to the flare?" Teresa asked, Y/n weakly shook her head.

"I don't know, I can't remember..." She mumbled, since the Scorch, Y/n hasn't been able to remember anything else of her past. "We'll i did, I lost someone very important to me to the Flare. I'm doing all this for everyone, for all the non-Immunes out there, I'm trying to save them. Please understand Y/n." Teresa said, her voice cracking as if she was about to cry.

"I understand that, Teresa. But why did you betray us? Why would you give away our only chance of being safe!" Y/n shouts, gaining a burst of strength to stand and reach over the table to grab Teresa by her lab coat, shaking her.

"You gave away our only chance to escape and be free of WCKD! If you wanted to go with WCKD, you should've went on your own! You had no right to drag Minho, Aris, Sonya and all the other Immunes with you!" She shouted louder, Teresa's eyes were wide open. Fear in her eyes.

"You hurt us, Teresa! You hurt Thomas! When will you learn?!" Two guards then noticed what was going on, quickly entering the room and pulling Y/n away. Teresa stood straight, fixing her coat and breathing heavily. She was speechless, but Y/n was right.

"Your a TRAITOR! A FUCKING TRAITOR, TERESA." Y/n yelled, before she was slammed onto the table. "A TRAITOR, YOU HEAR ME? A DAMN TRAITOR." Her head was forcefully pushed against the table, feeling an electric shot run through her body.

Minho was put into a chair in one of the glass interrogation rooms, handcuffed to the table. His heart and body ached, mainly his heart. He'd seen Y/n again, not only at the train but in the simulations as well.

But was she really at the train? He thought, maybe it was all part of WCKD to mess with his head. "Minho?" A familiar voice asked, he knew who it was but he didn't care.

"Look I know I'm not the one you want to hear from but...but I thought I'd just let you know that Y/n is here, if you didn't already know." Teresa explained, that caught Minho's attention.

She was really here. His Y/n. The girl he loved most, she was here. He felt a spark of hope, he was going to save her and him, they were both going to get out of here.

"Teresa." Minho whispered, Teresa slowly stood up from her chair and stood next to Minho. "What'd you say?" She asked, leaning closer. "Will you let me see her?" He asked, his tired eyes looking up at her.

Teresa pursed her lips, she didn't think it was a good idea. "I'm sorry, Minho." Teresa says, going to walk away before she felt Minho's rough hands grab her by the shoulders and turn her around.

Minho quickly grabbed her by the collar and slammed her onto the table. "YOU'RE A TRAITOR! WE TRUSTED YOU." He yelled, slamming her again on the table. "THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS LET ME SEE HER." He continued to yell, two guards finally noticing the chaos that erupted.

Minho had then noticed a sharp object that had fallen from Teresa's hair, quickly grabbing it and shoving it into his pocket as two guards grabbed him.

"GET OFF ME, GET OFF ME. ILL KILL YOU, YOU TRAITOR. YOU KILLED THEM ALL." Minho continued to yell, his head shoved down onto the table as they tased him.

The word of 'traitor' repeated through Teresa's head, hearing it from two people who were once her friends didn't make her feel any better.

Minho laid limp on the table, he may have been defenseless now but it wasn't going to be like that for long. He had a weapon now. He was going to save Y/n, wherever she was, he was going to save her.

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