- Pilot - Summer -

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" Shelly, it's the last day of summer! Let's go out and play!" Tori whined to her brother

"But I have to learn the student handbook." Sheldon begins "Ohh, did you know extreme hairstyles, goatees and mustaches are not allowed?"

"Aww, really I wanted to dye my hair red"

"Really? I personally find that very reassuring" Sheldon turning to greet their mother

"Shelly, listen to your sister, look what a beautiful day it is.." Backing Tori up "Go play"

" Go play"...if only life were that simple

"There I played" Sheldon pushed the swing

"Shelly.." Tori started only to turn to the callings of Billy Sparks

"Hey, Sheldon, Tori" Billy greets the two

"Hello, Billy Sparks" Sheldon reluctantly greets

"Hello, Matilda Sparks" Tori joins in the conversation happily

"I heard you guys are going to high school tomorrow.." Billy trails off looking at the two in wonder

"We are, you're going to find someone else to torment on the playground." Sheldon replies while looking at Billy warily

"Torment?" Looking at the two clueless

" It means to maliciously harass" Tori replies looking annoyed

"Her ass?" Billy chuckles "That's funny"

"Well this is nice" Sheldon replies ending the conversation

"I guess" Tori got up to leave with her brother

"Hey, doofus" Billy shoved Matilda in Sheldon's face

"Mom!" Sheldon yelled panicked

"Good girl" Billy laughs at Sheldon's retreating form

"Listen now and listen carefully. If you do that again, sleep with one eye opened!" Tori threatens Billy and chased after her brother

- Night time -

"What am I supposed to do? His feet are growing." Mary argues with her husband

"Why can't he wear Georgie's old shoes?" George asked unamused

"He won't hold your hands, You think he's gonna put his feet in his brother's smelly shoes.." Mary huffed annoyed

As their parents'  argued, Tori got off her bed an went to her piggy back

"Woah, how did you save so much money up!" Missy exclaimed

"Don't worry bout it" Tori replies counting up $15 and leaving the room "Shelly you want the Brown Sperry Lofters, right?"

"Yes, why"Confused Sheldon snuggles back into his bed

"Nothing just curious" Tori closed the door behind her and walked into her parents' room

"Tori, why are you not in bed" Mary looks over at her daughter

"Mummy, I need you to do a favor for me" Tori pleads with her mother

"I want to buy Sheldon's gift early this year"

"Yes, honey what you do want to give him? Under $20 though"

"Here, he wants the Brown Sperry Lofters." Handing her mother the $15

"Where did you get this." Confused George joins the conversation

"Meemaw, I did some gardening for her, a few weeks ago"

"Night!" Winking at her parents before she left the room

That was the best gift I received that year, I knew just how much my sister loved me

Young Sheldon - TripletsWhere stories live. Discover now