- Pilot - The Rest of the Day -

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" This is a stupid idea. The two does not belong in our school." Ms. MacElory shouts

PETERSEN: Come on Vicky, it's just the first day. Why don't we all just take a deep breath here?

"The hell with that. Five minutes into my math class, he questioned my credentials!"

"How am I supposed to control a classroom when a kid accuses me of being in breach of
the hygiene code?"

"Well, Hubert, it wouldn't kill you to shower a little more often. George,you want to weigh in here?" Peterson starts

"Well..." George mumbles

INGRAM: Oral Roberts University is a wonderful school.

"He said I was intimidated by his intelligence, and then, he offered to be my "leader."

(clears throat)

(playing Mozart's Sonata in D)

(piano playing)

"Do you guys know this sonata?"

"No." Two voices answered at the same time

"How long have you played the piano?"

"I don't play piano."


PETERSEN: George, you got any thoughts here?

"I certainly do. Mary, tell him." George backs off

"It's simple. We don't have a choice." Mary states strongly

"Well, you gave it a shot.We wish you luck with Sheldon and Victoria elsewhere..."

MARY: No, no, no. We don't have a choice. They got to stay here. We can't afford private school.
I sure can't homeschool them. He's doing calculus and Euclidean something or other.

"Euclidean geometry. Guess where I learned that."

"Yeah, yeah, we know. All I care about is that my children gets the education they deserves, so you all are gonna have to figure this out."

"Coach, can you help me out here, please? Cause I'm dyin'."Peterson stares at George

"I'd rather not."

"G minor."


"E flat."

"C minor."

"You guys have perfect pitch."



"Sweetheart, you guys should really pursue music.!"

"No, thank you. Musicians take drugs."

"Sorry, I have plans already"

"Is there a faculty restroom we could use?

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