- Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System - School Day -

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"Look at them. Breaks my heart." Mary exclaims sadly

"Poor little guys, all alone." George joins in

"I don't see why their brother can't sit with him." Mary questions oblivious

"Come on, Mary. When you were in high school, would you have lunch with a nine year olds?" Trying to point out his view

"Yes, I would've." Mary states

"Well, there's something wrong with you." George huffs giving up

"I'm gonna keep them company." Mary makes up her mind

"Hey, hey, hey, Mary. Mary." Trying to clam his wife down " Think this through. Right now the kids are just ignoring Sheldon and Tori. What happens if they're sitting with his mommy?"

"They could mistake me for a senior and Tori couldn't even mind." George gives her a pointed look

"Well, I look younger than you." Mary puffs

"Just give this time, all right? It'll work itself out."

My mother never understood that I actually enjoyed being alone.
Solitude allowed me to think about important things, like the effect of gravitational forces as you approach an event horizon, as opposed to less important things, like how many grapes my brother can fit in his mouth.
While my sister kept me company she didn't't care for the grapes either



JeanPaul Sartre said, "Hell is other people."  That's humorous because it's true.

- Later in the Day -

"Something wrong?" Mary questions

"How come math is easy for Sheldon and Tori and hard for me?" Missy exclaims

"I don't know, honey,but you have your own gifts." Mary responds

"Like what?" Missy digs deeper

"Well, like... you have very pretty hair." Mary thinks of something

"True." Missy replies happily

"Georgie." Mary questions   "Would you do me a little tiny favor?"

"Like what?" Georgie questions

"Tomorrow at lunch, would you mind sitting with your brother and sister?" Mary asks

"Don't do it, Georgie." Missy says randomly

"You stay out of this." Mary states quickly

"I ate with him in second grade. It really hurt my social life. Well, been with Tori was okay but she reads a lot" Missy explains

"Sorry, Mom. Can't do it." Georgie walks out

"Why are you such a brat?" Mary exclaims angry

"Maybe I'm crying for attention." Missy says joking with a hint of hope

"This isn't a joke, young lady." Mary turns to her
"Yes, your brother and sister may be smart, but he doesn't have a friend in the world or barely any! And I am sorry, but I am very worried about them ."

"Nice going. You're making Mom a nervous wreck." Missy pops in the garage

"What did I do?" Sheldon turns around

"You don't have any friends,and she is beside herself." Missy replied

"But I'm fine without friends." Sheldon replies clueless

"I don't know what to tell you, Sheldon. She said it's your fault. I'm going to watch ALF." Missy turns around

She is the worst.

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